Wednesday, July 31, 2013

I’ve Had A Few Thoughts, I’ll Share Them With You…

July has not been the best month for me, but it has given me a few poems which I thought you might enjoy reading. As an update about the Creativity Project, I think that chapter is over for now. I am not certain what will replace it, but for the present I am just trying to recharge my creative batteries. That involves a lot of reading. I am hopeful that I will return to more regular blogging in the not too distant future, so please stay tuned…


Moon Arising

The sun sets,
The moon rises,
My thoughts turn
Once more toward
The past and you!

We had the best
Of all the things
Given under the
Sun and risen
Beneath the moon.

We had love,
Life, happiness,
And the gifts
Of one another...
We were blessed.

Now those days
And nights have long
Passed us by...
But memories remain
To sustain my life.

Jo Ann J. A. Jordan

Monday, July 1, 2013



Don't Go!
Those were words enough
To say, but they could
Not halt time's passage.
Don't go!
A heart cry all well
Meant, but God Himself
Had made other plans.
Don't go!
Accompanied by
Many falling tears,
But unstoppable.
Don't go!
Impossible trial,
But somehow all will
Go on, left behind.

Jo Ann J. A. Jordan

Tuesday, July 2, 2013


My Heart Remembers

When I said I love you
I meant forever,
And though we are apart
My heart will always
And forever remember.

That does not mean
There cannot be someone
New who I love too,
Just I will always love you
No matter what life brings.

I know others say
I should move on
Let you go, and it is true
I have, as have you,
But you are still a part of me.

My heart is not a fickle thing,
My love is deep and true,
And though there will be
Others who I love,
I will always love you.

So if you are reading this
And you think it might
Apply to you, it is most
Probably true, because
If I once did, I still love you.

If you chance to want
To be involved with me
Do not be afraid,
For though my love was given
There is still enough for you.

I promise you as I have
Promised in the past,
That I will truly love you
And that honestly means
You will be in my heart forever.

Jo Ann J. A. Jordan

Friday, July 12, 2013


There were more poems this month, but I do not want to overtax you with my verbosity. I thank you for reading and hope you will find your way here again.

I will leave you with a list of things for which I am grateful:

1.   The tablet my Mom gave me for my birthday.
2.   Books, which I have been reading to help replenish my imagination.
3.   My dog, Hope, who comforts and delights me with her unconditional love.
4.   My Mom did not have to go to the hospital last evening, though she gave me an awful scare.
5.   The pain in my neck, shoulder, and back was not so bad that I could not make this post.

I hope you will take time to consider some of the things in your life for which you are grateful. Also, make an effort to do something creative and share it with the world. Your precious creations could change a life or brighten someone’s day.

Jo Ann

Monday, July 01, 2013

A Thought, A Poem, Something To Share…

I wrote this directly on my Facebook timeline. It was not edited or overwrought, just pure emotion and longing expressed. I thought perhaps it would be well to share it here…

Thoughts, Running Behind

He is not mine,
But my mind does stray
To him who at my side
Did once chance to stay.

If I could but change
Those things that drove
Us far asunder and apart,
I gladly would yet do it.

However, time has passed
Me by and taken him
Away from my side,
So now I only miss him.

I urge you each
To love while you can
And be careful of your words
That you not lose your beloved.

If I had it all to do again,
I would make sure
I kept him close
And never lost him.

My heart, it beats,
My life shudders…
Perhaps one day
Love will find me once more.

Jo Ann J. A. Jordan
Sunday, June 30, 2013

It is not much compared to the Creativity Project, but perhaps the offering of the heart is worth at least something.


I hope all is well with you my friends. I have not in the least forgotten you. I am just taking some time.

Jo Ann