Monday, May 28, 2012

365 Creativity Project-Day 140

Journal entry:

Journal 5-28-20120001


She told me he will
Leave for Afghanistan soon,
I asked exactly
When and she said she could not
Tell me, so it is secret.

I am only his
Mother now and not privy
To things going on,
She is his wife so she knows
What I can no longer learn.

It makes me worry
No less that I am left out,
The information
I used to be the first to
Know has departed from me.

I am now banished
To the outskirts of knowledge,
He is my one child,
My failure to obtain truth
Is just a part of his growth.

I am so misplaced
In this new life of his choice,
My outstanding fault
Is the continuing need
To explain I still MISS him.

Jo Ann J. A. Jordan
Monday, May 28, 2012



My great-niece, Jayden…









I am grateful:

1.   I finished reading the Song of Solomon today.
2.   Jeremy came, cleaned the gutters, and took off the trash.
3.   I spent some time with Jayden.
4.   We had hot dogs and French fries for supper.
5.   Carrie Leigh and little Jesse came to visit.

I hope you all have had a Happy Memorial Day. Take some time to do something creative before your day ends.

Please leave me a comment to let me know your thoughts.

Jo Ann

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