Tuesday, September 18, 2012

365 Creativity Project-Day 253

Journal entry:

Journal 9-18-20120001

The following poem was partially inspired by the prompt at Carry On Tuesday. You might enjoy visiting that site if you are in need of inspiration.


A little while, and
We will have grown much older;
A little while, and
We will have become bolder;
For time pushes us forward.

We go on toward
The finish, full of courage
And tenacity;
Our days we do not number
For their count seems limitless.

Only after time
Has passed into the future
Do we realize
There is just a little while
To accomplish all our goals.

We enter each hour
Hoping to find completion
Within its confines,
But the key is not hidden
In the outer dimensions.

A little while, and
We will discover ourselves;
A little while, and
We will make our peace with God;
Only He fulfills our days.

Jo Ann J. A. Jordan
Tuesday, September 18, 2012




Cabbage Patch Kids…


More Cabbage Patch Kids…

I am grateful:

1.   Mom woke me when I lay back down a few minutes this morning.
2.   I had unloaded the truck last night.
3.   We arrived early for our appointment.
4.   There was nothing serious wrong with the Explorer.
5.   Sam’s Club had the two books I wanted.

This is proving to be a long day for me because I was up so early. I hope your Tuesday has been profitable. Take time out of your busyness to work creatively. It will add value to your day and give you a deeper sense of accomplishment. Every second you spend using your imagination enriches the world.

As a prompt write about the passage of time. Explore the moments of your day, or the passage of ages. Whatever suits your fancy. If you use this prompt, please leave a link to your work in the comments below.

Thank you so much for spending time reading my blog. I hope you found it enjoyable. If so, you might consider following Chronicles. I know you may have thoughts, suggestions, or criticism to share, so I urge you to leave a comment. Each one is precious to me.

Jo Ann

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