Tuesday, April 02, 2013

Creativity Project Year Two-Day 83

Journal entry:

Journal 4-1-20130001


Today’s poem was prompted by NaPoWriMo.net and April PAD Challenge - Day 1. I combined the two because I did not feel up to writing two poems… You might want to visit both these sites for inspiration…

With Apologies To Rumi

My work is to carry this love,
Freely given to me, to those
With whom I have contact each day.

I must love others as I love
Myself, forever doing my
Best to foster more happiness.

This is the new command given
For each of us to follow at
All times without any question.

Unconditionally loving
Is not be very easy for
Us, but we should always try it.

We should teach it to our children
So life treats them beneficially
And they spread peace throughout the world.

Love, not judgment, should always be
Our goal within society,
Encouraging everyone else.

Jo Ann J. A. Jordan
Monday, April 01, 2013


I am grateful:

1.   I have an opportunity to write each day.
2.   I have passed 1000 posts on this blog.
3.   I have passed 200 blog followers.
4.   My niece, Leigh, surprised us by visiting this evening with my great-nephew, Jesse, and great-niece, Sydney.
5.   I have enough poems to perhaps make a collection.


This has been a very good Monday. I hope you have achieved your goals for the day. Now, while you have an opportunity, I encourage you to engage your imagination and work creatively. You can accomplish so much if you only make an effort. I wrote about some of my victories and I believe you can achieve just as much. Just devote yourself to doing something.

As a prompt, write about a habit you have developed that has changed your life. Mine has been enriched by this Creativity Project, I am sure you have something about which you can write. If you use this prompt, please leave a link to your work in the comments below.

Thank you for visiting my blog. If you would like you can enter your email in the space above and subscribe to Chronicles. I would love to read your thoughts, suggestions, or criticism, so please leave a comment.

Jo Ann

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