Monday, August 19, 2013

A Journal Entry, Photographs, and Poetry…

Journal 8-18-20130001

That felt a bit strange, like my pen was rusty. I guess it has every right to be since I have taken a couple of months off. I would like to think I could come back as regular and strong as before, but my heart is not entirely in it. There seems too much going on to pick up where I quit.


Traveling Onward

I had suicide
On my mind
Once upon a time,
But those days are
Long gone in the past.

I am looking forward
Into a future filled
With pleasures I have
Yet to imagine,
Understand, or taste.

Therefore, I will aptly
Leave all these visions
Of death spun rudely
Out behind me and
Chase after happiness.

As I see it now,
God is still in
His Heaven and we
Left here below may
Someday obtain Paradise.

Yes, I did once have
Suicide on my mind,
But I have outlived
Such selfish urges,
Life remains to treasure.

Jo Ann J. A. Jordan
Wednesday, July 17, 2013


Birth Song

The sun in freedom
Streams across the skies
Lending warmth and light
To us here on Earth,
Keeping our hope alive.

The wind it whispers
With untold stories
Through the leafy trees,
Scattering our dreams
With its easy breeze.

The water washes
Unending against
The soft yielding shore,
Wetting thirsty land
Causing growth galore.

The land allows us
To find shelter in
Places it affords,
Where we can sometime
Live and make abode.

We humans are but
Strangers lodging here,
Only passing quick,
Children wandering
Beneath passing stars.

Jo Ann J. A. Jordan
Wednesday, July 17, 2013


In Simplicity

There is this much
And I know its truth
That I am imperfect,
But worthy of care.

God sees my flaws
Knows my defects
And yet He loves me,
In Him is my perfection.

I long for someone
Who will love me true,
But I know it is hard
To find such affection.

Someday, perhaps
I will meet the man
Who will hold my heart,
And abstain from rejection.

Thank God for family
And friends who help
Me keep heart and soul
Knit tightly together.

There is this much
And I know its truth
That I am imperfect,
But worthy of care.

Jo Ann J. A. Jordan

Saturday, July 20, 2013


A thought I shared elsewhere, but find very true: Only writers and artists give away the secrets of their hearts and souls to strangers they are likely never to meet...

I am grateful:

1)   I have this place in which to share my thoughts with you out there.
2)   Creativity has not abandoned me though I have chosen to take time off.
3)   Good behavior has its own rewards.
4)   Books can impart truths even when they are written fictionally.
5)   We are not abandoned here without love, for even when we are most alone we are caressed by the divine.

I sincerely hope you will find your way back here again. If you have not visited elsewhere on this blog I suggest you go to the about page and the archives to find information about me and enjoy more of the work contained here.

You are a wonderfully creative person who embodies dreams that you can share with the world. Do something creative and let your light shine. Maybe you could write a poem, journal entry, or list detailing something wonderful that has happened in your life recently. Small miracles occur for all of us every day.

I will be back… Until we meet again…

Jo Ann

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