Sunday, March 27, 2005
Creative Journal Entry 13
personal mail brightens a dull day.
I do not send cards like I once did because I seldom received any in return and I like mail as much as the next person does. I did however buy some Blank cards with pictures on them and hope to send some out this year.
I enjoy sending cards because I can say things I might not verbalize in person. It gives me a chance to think about what I am going to say and revise if need be.
I have totally blank cards to make my own designs and sometimes those are very attractive.
I should start sending out cards again, but email is easier.
Jo Ann
Creative Journal 12
Sometimes it is hard to laugh when there is so much stress. Laughter is a good release of tension so finding something funny in life is a good idea. Sometimes I even fake a laugh and it does something to elevate mood.
I have to find humor in life or it overwhelms me. I will not be overcome by desperation. I will persevere. There is a certain innate humor in life if you are open to it. Things are poetic.
I am thinking about moving some content from Chronicles over here, only because I keep having problems with MSN Spaces. I am not sure this site gets enough traffic yet though. It will be a slow transition.
Jo Ann
Saturday, March 26, 2005
Creative Journal 11
Know what is really important to you.
Goals, never been good at stating those because whenever I make one I seem to fall way short, so I rarely make them.
I guess right now my main goal is to be an instrument of love in the world. This means that I attempt to show compassion and consideration for all beings I meet and those for which I can pray. It means that I can respect everyone even if I disagree with or dislike them. I ask God to fill me with his love daily and to teach me where I can bring love to light.
It is my goal to journal every day. This does not mean that I will always write a lot, but that I will at least make an effort to confer with my writerly self once per day. (Spell check says writerly is not a word; I say it ought to be)
A long-term goal of mine has been to raise Alex to be an upstanding individual. I think this is being realized. It will not be long before he will be out in the world on his own. Other than burying myself in debt, I think I have performed well on this… the debt I will somehow deal with.
A goal I would like to meet is doing something creative daily. I am trying to do this now but sometimes I would honestly rather read than do the work. Creation is work, even though some people think it all play.
I would like to find a way to make some income. This would bring lots of blessing into my life. Just having some discretional cash without going deeper into debt would be awesome. I wish I could somehow help others and at the same time make money.
I have made very wordy statements for someone who does not think in terms of goals.
Jo Ann
Friday, March 25, 2005
Creative Journal 10
When I light a candle, it makes me feel tranquil. That is a feeling I should make more space for in my life. Often I am so busy with life and doing that I cannot feel at peace.
The scent of a candle can bring feelings of comfort and enjoyment. Life is so harried that these feelings are a pleasant relief.
I should be like a candle lit to illuminate the world. I should bring tranquility, comfort, and enjoyment to those I interact with each day. I am an instrument of God’s love well placed to influence others.
Jo Ann
Thursday, March 24, 2005
Creative Journal Entry 9
by creating a haven of peace.
My room is a haven from the world. I feel at peace when I am alone in my room. I sometimes light a candle or turn on music to intensify the atmosphere.
By keeping my room organized and neat, I make it more peaceful. Everything in my room gives me a unique feeling of belonging.
Jo Ann
Tuesday, March 22, 2005
Creative Journal Entry 8
Why do you love it?
I have too many favorites to pick only one… but listening to Start Me Up by The Rolling Stones always perks me up. The song is so upbeat and it makes me want to get active. I think I love the song because it lifts my mood. You cannot be depressed listening to Mick sing the lyrics.
Another song I adore is Amazing Grace. I love to sing this song and feel encompassed in the love of God. It is humbling to realize Christ cared enough for me to save me from the wretchedness of my life without His presence.
I enjoy most types of music. Music has a way of making time go by easier. It engages the emotions while hands and minds are busy elsewhere. I am so glad that there is music in my world.
Jo Ann
Monday, March 21, 2005
Creative Journal Entry 7
Share that with someone you love.
Life is holy as is God and love. Everything that comes into my life is blessed by and passed through the hands of the Lord. Nothing can touch me that is not allowed by my Savior. Even suffering comes through God’s providence. That is why suffering and sorrow work to my good and make me stronger. I am tested and made complete through trials.
Much of the everyday is holy. The smile of a stranger, family, or friend is precious. The food I partake daily is holy for it nourishes and strengthens my body. The time I spend creatively is holy for it brings me near to the Creator of all things. I am aligned with God when I am using the gifts with which He blessed me.
Reading is a holy act of communication with another human being… through the words we share we touch and influence lives. Writing is holy in that the deep things of the heart are expressed in words. There is much healing to be experienced through the work of writing.
The things I choose to invite into my home are holy. The outer things express what I hold inside my heart and mind. No thing comes into my environment without it tells something about my self. I spend much time in the company of my things and these have a calming effect on me.
My existence is holy blessed of God. I am a creation in His image. There is grace and goodness embodied in me. The Lord created me to carry out His plans on earth. I am like His hands in my interaction with others. My smile expresses His benevolence.
The love that surrounds me and pours through me into the world is holy. The special relationships I share with others are blessed. The Lord is with me always.
Jo Ann
Creative Journal Entry 6
I do not know what people would remember, but I hope their memories would be positive. I would like to be remembered as creative, talented, and loving. I hope people would miss my smile and my willingness to share my time with them.
I think some would remember me as caring and kind. I hope that many might remember me as forgiving. I believe most would think me honest and remember I tried to do good in the world.
I know some people do not like me, but even among those, I hope I would be remembered as special. I hope it would be said that I tried to do the best I could.
Writing this I realize there are qualities I would like to remembered for that I need to work on cultivating. Generosity, industriousness, and goodness are a few of these.
Five things for which I am grateful today:
1. Having a blog
2. Writing every day
3. Talking with mother
4. My room is neat
5. My office chair
Jo Ann
Sunday, March 20, 2005
Something to Remember...
I may not know how the end came. Still, I want you to know the future hope I have. Many years ago, I placed my destiny in the hands of the Carpenter who created every wonder in the universe. He reached out, touched my heart, and planted His Spirit in my soul.
Sometimes I was a disappointment to Him who gave me everything. Still He loves me, and I rest in His arms today.
No doubt, you are sad that I am gone, but please try to understand… this is not a tragedy. I longed to reach Heaven. As I explore the wonder of the citybuilt without hands, I am speechless. Nothing has ever so impressed me. I wander these golden streets meeting friends I have longed to visit. TheLord, He speaks to me.
Each one of you will one day make a journey, similar to the one I made, from this life to the eternal. My prayer for you is that you meet Jesus when you step over the threshold. Here today are my friends, loved ones, who know how to help… if you should happen not to know my Jesus, please speak to someone now. Let them lead you to His arms. He waits, and His desire is that you become His child. It matters not your age, your status, or your penury… He comes for you. When He looked at all the people in creation, He said, “That one is special, precious, I will do anything to win that soul for My kingdom.” He did, He died for you. The best news is that His death was not the end of the story… He rose in victory over all the harm of Hell and death. Your sins, He will forgive every one and welcome you to the circle of His presence. Do not leave this place without Him.
I am so glad I have the opportunity to speak to you today… go in grace. Iwill see you again… waiting at Heaven’s gate for your arrival. I love you.Remember me, but be at peace. It is a far better place where I am, than Ihave ever visited before. I am finally home. God Bless you…
© Jo Ann J. A. Jordan
Jo Ann
Creative Journal Entry 5
Honor your sorrow and pain.
I do not cry very often but when my feelings are hurt, it can cause tears. A few months ago, I got into an intense argument with my ex-sister-in-law. It was over politics and the election. She was practically demonizing me for my beliefs and convictions. I became very upset, went to my room, and cried.
I felt I had the right to my opinions and that those were not so wrong that I should be so strongly criticized. The thing that made me feel terrible was that I love this woman and she was acting as if I were an awful person simply because I disagreed with her point of view.
I have lived and experienced so much that I do not feel the world can be delineated into strictly black and white, right and wrong. There seems to me to be a lot of gray, middle ground in life.
I am a Christian, but do not feel that gives me license to judge others. I must have mercy and understanding even as God does. To be told that voting for one person is going to send our country to hell seemed to reflect that I was going to hell as well. This did not make sense to me as I read the gospel. Maybe my reasoning is faulty, but if so, in time I will come to see my error.
The sobs that racked me were harsh as is often the case when I feel misunderstood and hated. I know that I am not considered very highly within my family circle. All my life others have marginalized me in the family. I never quite measure up and this causes deep feelings of sadness and inadequacy.
There is a great deal of sorrow and pain attached to my position in my family. I would love to get along with everyone, but not all of them want me involved in their lives. This hurts because I love each member very much.
Five things for which I am grateful today:
1. Sleeping in
2. Painting
3. Reading
4. Writing
5. Good food
Jo Ann
Saturday, March 19, 2005
Creative Journal Entry 4
Go back and read it often…
*My son, Alex
*My family
*All the blessings to which God has given me access
*Living in America
*My Bibles
*My computer
*My Mitsubishi Eclipse
*Alex’s computer
*Alex’s iPAC
*My creativity
*My intelligence
*My ability to read
*My ability to write
*My ability to draw
*My ability to paint
*My photographic talent
*My collection of books
*My collection of ink pens
*My Nikon cameras
*My collection of book marks
*My music collection
*My collection of blank books
*The relationship I enjoyed with Alex's father
*The relationship I enjoyed with my third ex
*The time I shared with the fireman
*My friendship with Reba
*My friendship with Bernice
*My friendship with the policeman
*My ability to care for mother
*My health
*I have a place to live
*The many things I own
Five things for which I am grateful today:
1. Pleasant dreams
2. Leftovers from last night’s dinner
3. Alex was home today
4. I have blog buddies
5. God loves me
Jo Ann
Creative Journal Entry 3
no one else will believe in you.
Sometimes I fail miserably at doing this. I have not at those times the strength to believe in anything about me. I do not recognize myself as worthy of the least faith and respect, but this is mostly a temporary feeling. I know deep down that I can accomplish much if I only try.
If I am not for myself, probably others will not be for me. It is hard to believe in myself intimately knowing my limitations and failures, but these things are not me. I am not defined by the negative moments. I am greater than the fleeting doubt. I have many abilities and talents and can use those to touch the world.
When I complete some work of art or piece of writing, it boosts my self-confidence. I feel powerful and creatively alive. At that moment, I feel that I can do anything. If only I could sustain the feeling longer, I might begin to believe in myself constantly.
If others do not believe in me that is a problem, but if I fail to believe in myself that is a disaster. Without believing, I flounder in feelings of inadequacy, incompetence, and insecurity. There is little I can do when beset by such negativity. Even my best-laid plans go awry when I am in such a personal space.
I must strive to believe in myself more consistently. If I do this, the world will seem a kinder place to me because it will reflect back positively to me. People will trust me because I am trustworthy. These changes will allow me to develop into a stronger person. I will enjoy my life more fully because I know I measure up.
Jo Ann
Friday, March 18, 2005
An Erotic Poem
Fingertips touching lightly
Contact nude intensely vibrant
Passion rising immediate
Waves flowing inward
Ebbing outward.
Subtle flush suffusing
Soft ivory flesh
Under hungry tongue
Glowing brilliant with joy,
Sharing essence.
Tight breath sighing
From ruby lips
Parted recent kissed.
Chasm heaving with
Tumultuous liquid fire,
Aching for fulfillment
Tautly withheld
Until desire ignites
Jubilant frenzy
Writhing in ecstasy.
Bodies meeting
Fusing volatile exploding
In universal orgasm
Gleaming ardent bright
In total completion.
Basking in heat of
Loving aura,
Stoking the embers
Back to fire before
The dew dries
On radiant skin.
© Jo Ann J. A. Jordan
Creative Journal Entry 2
potential to create the life you desire.
No matter that things are difficult at times. I realize I must not give up on my dreams. I may not accomplish all I wish today, but that does not mean I cannot do it. I must continue to apply myself and look forward. If I give in to the negativity of “can’t” that alone will hinder me.
Inside my mind, heart, and soul lie unlimited creative potential. There are really no bounds to what I can do if I proceed with confidence. God made me in his image with great aptitude to interact creatively with my world. My talents serve me well when I use them to complete work.
“Can’t” is a word that should not apply to my abilities because in reality there is very little I am incapable of doing. Sure, I have some obstacles inherent in my life, but I will not stop striving to better myself because of those. For every thing that blocks me, a gift is given me. I am stronger because I have learned to suffer with my weakness and overcome it.
No one ever did much with the attitude of “can’t”. As my mother used to tell me as a child, “Can’t could never do anything.” Despite the poor grammar, the sentence has much truth in it. When I have a positive attitude, I am able to achieve miracles in my life. Things that seem impossible happen when I apply myself proactively.
Creative Journal Entry
What gives you pleasure?
Do it today… You deserve happiness.
I find pleasure in most aspects of my life. I enjoy reading that stimulates my mind. I try to perform some creative act daily. This may involve writing, painting, drawing, or a combination of the three. Sometimes just thinking about what I wish to accomplish in my life is a creative act.
Listening to music also brings me joy, as does singing. I find I do not take the time for these activities as often as I could. I could add music to much of the time when I am reading, writing, or practicing artistic work.
When it is neat and well-organized, spending time in my room is very comforting. My room is a refuge from the world set up with my particular temperament. There are many pieces of varied art in my room, ranging from stuffed animals to decorative mugs. These things inspire and cheer my heart.
I enjoy using my computer as a tool and as a plaything. Sitting down with it for a few minutes can lift or calm my mood. It is a great pleasure to complete some work or art with this lovely machine.
Interaction with Alex is usually hugely pleasurable. I make an effort to add some special time with him daily. I know the time I have with him is growing shorter and I try to fully enjoy every moment.
Spending time with Penny is soothing. She is such a sweet spirit and so loving toward me. Her beauty is much more than surface deep.
Shopping is fun… but it has become somewhat a liability so that I cannot simply spend without guilt. When I can stay home and enjoy what I have without craving what I do not possess it is better for me.
Working in a journal is a happy way to pass time. I find that it helps me understand my relationships with others and other aspects of my life, and myself. There is a definite reward in writing out thoughts each day.
This new journal I am calling My Creative Journal or Just Journal For Fun. I am basing it on the prompts that I created in February of 2000. I started working with those prompts in a blank book, but think that at this time working on the computer is more what I wish to do. It is good that I have the choice of how to proceed. There have been times when my only option was to work with pen and paper. Though I love ink pens and blank books working on the computer brings another aspect to the endeavor.
Five things for which I am grateful today:
1. Making the decision to begin this new journal
2. Having my computer to do my work
3. A washer in which to wash our clothes
4. Electricity
5. Hot showers
Jo Ann
An Older Poem
We are God’s handiwork
Beloved of His heart
And made in His image.
We partake of God’s nature
Nurtured by His tender care
And raised to follow His ways.
We are God’s people
United with Him through Christ
And never forgotten in His mind.
© Jo Ann J. A. Jordan
March 8, 2003
His love abides forever…
My Apologies
I hope it will build up some traffic eventually.
This is something I wrote quite a while ago for a group I was involved in:
An Attitude of Gratitude
Do you want to improve your spirits, lift up your heart? Begin counting your blessings and soon you will find the complaints have less meaning.
I Thessalonians 5:16-18 reads:
Be joyful always; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus.
In following the Lord our attitudes toward worldly things change to more resemble His ideal for us. Especially when we give thanks we find that the things mean less than the fact our Creator bestowed them.
I John 2:15-17 exhorts us:
Do not love the world or anything in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For everything in the world - the cravings of sinful man, the lust of his eyes and the boasting of what he has and does - comes not from the Father but from the world. The world and its desires pass away, but the man who does the will of God lives forever.
We find that all we have, all we accomplish, and all our lives are truly in the hands of our loving Father. We can trust in this fact and rejoice knowing He will take care of all our needs.
Romans 8:28 says:
And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him who have been called according to His purpose.
Resting in the Lord during difficult times is sometimes
hard, but if we continue thanking Him for His loving kindness even during trials we gain treasure in faith.
Psalm 33:20-22 tells us:
We wait in hope for the Lord; He is our help
and our shield. In Him our hearts rejoice, for we trust in His holy name. May Your unfailing love rest upon us, O Lord, even as we put our hope in You.
A sure antidote to feeling sad and pitiable is writing down that for which we are thankful. The exercise may even bring us to sing to the Lord in thanksgiving.
Psalm 69:30 reads:
I will praise God's name in song and glorify Him with thanksgiving.
When we are grateful and delight in Jesus' blessings toward us we suddenly find our hearts lighter, and our lives full of joy. We become more completely aware of the blessings that continually accrue to us.
Psalm 37:4 says:
Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart.
Finally we should go to God in gratitude so that we may find more reason to accept one another. For nothing more brings us together than a feeling of gratitude and love.
I John 3:11
This is the message you heard from the beginning: We should love one another.
Jo Ann J. A. Jordan
© June 8, 2001
Hope you have a wonderful day!
Jo Ann