Saturday, March 19, 2005

Creative Journal Entry 4

Make a list of your blessings.
Go back and read it often…

*My son, Alex
*My family
*All the blessings to which God has given me access
*Living in America
*My Bibles
*My computer
*My Mitsubishi Eclipse
*Alex’s computer
*Alex’s iPAC
*My creativity
*My intelligence
*My ability to read
*My ability to write
*My ability to draw
*My ability to paint
*My photographic talent
*My collection of books
*My collection of ink pens
*My Nikon cameras
*My collection of book marks
*My music collection
*My collection of blank books
*The relationship I enjoyed with Alex's father

*The relationship I enjoyed with my third ex
*The time I shared with the fireman
*My friendship with Reba
*My friendship with Bernice
*My friendship with the policeman
*My ability to care for mother
*My health
*I have a place to live
*The many things I own

Five things for which I am grateful today:

1. Pleasant dreams
2. Leftovers from last night’s dinner
3. Alex was home today
4. I have blog buddies
5. God loves me

Jo Ann

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