Friday, March 18, 2005

Creative Journal Entry 2

Do not say, “can’t”. You have unlimited
potential to create the life you desire.

No matter that things are difficult at times. I realize I must not give up on my dreams. I may not accomplish all I wish today, but that does not mean I cannot do it. I must continue to apply myself and look forward. If I give in to the negativity of “can’t” that alone will hinder me.

Inside my mind, heart, and soul lie unlimited creative potential. There are really no bounds to what I can do if I proceed with confidence. God made me in his image with great aptitude to interact creatively with my world. My talents serve me well when I use them to complete work.

“Can’t” is a word that should not apply to my abilities because in reality there is very little I am incapable of doing. Sure, I have some obstacles inherent in my life, but I will not stop striving to better myself because of those. For every thing that blocks me, a gift is given me. I am stronger because I have learned to suffer with my weakness and overcome it.

No one ever did much with the attitude of “can’t”. As my mother used to tell me as a child, “Can’t could never do anything.” Despite the poor grammar, the sentence has much truth in it. When I have a positive attitude, I am able to achieve miracles in my life. Things that seem impossible happen when I apply myself proactively.

Jo Ann

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