Thursday, February 02, 2012

365 Creativity Project–Day 24

Some haiku and a bit of exposition:

Journal 2-2-20120001

Journal 2-2-20120002

A couple of photographs:


Stump surrounded by foliage.


There are books on these shelves…

It is Thursday, time for a gratitude list.

I am thankful:

1.   I have enough time to explore my creativity.
2.   I am blessed with an active imagination.
3.   I learned to read and write.
4.   I have plenty of tools to use in making art.
5.   I managed to raise a responsible citizen.
6.   I am able to help my Mom.
7.   I have a very sweet puppy dog.
8.   My two books came from Amazon this week.
9.   My bed is soft and comfortable.
10.  We have heat and air conditioning to keep the house temperate.

I hope you find something in your life for which to be thankful. Making these lists helps keep one mindful of blessings. May you be given inspiration to create something beautiful today.

Jo Ann


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