Saturday, February 04, 2012

365 Creativity Project–Day 26

A poem I wrote in the wee hours of this morning:

Journal 2-4-20120001

Some pictures from our trip to town:


Mason’s Lodge which used to be a country church.


Interesting oak tree.


The new Dog River Library with Mom’s Explorer in the foreground.

We went to town today, because I had avoided going this week. It was the first time I had gone on Saturday in quite a while, and reminded me why I avoid town on the weekend. The place was working alive with people like a disturbed bee hive with angry bees. The ATM at my bank was offline, so I could not get my money to give Mom, as I do every month. I will have to try again another day. We ate lunch at Chick-Fil-A which was packed with people. Fortunately my wait in line was very short. We went to Wal-Mart and I looked around the parking lot and took the best available place instead of trying to get a handicapped space for Mom. We shopped without incident. I picked up two idea notebooks, four Sharpie pens, two toys for Hope, and some groceries. Mom stayed in the truck while I went into Sam’s Club to pick up her medicine and a few necessities.

I prayed about this trip to town last night. I asked that I come in contact with no idiots on the road, and shockingly no one pulled out right in front of me as usually happens. The trip went very smoothly, which is how I prayed it would go. The ATM being out of service was inconvenient, but not bad enough to ruin the pleasantness.

Unloading the truck, I got very hot and had to turn the air on in the house. It was 76 degrees in town today. I dread warmer weather, and really wish we would have a bit of cold. It is Winter and feels like late Spring.

I read the Bible aloud to Mom. We began our study of Exodus today. Moses’ attitude at the beginning of the book shows how cowardly people can be used to become great instruments in the work of God. Gives me some hope that I might be useful.

I hope you had a restful day and found something creative to work on.

Jo Ann

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