Friday, November 23, 2012

365 Creativity Project-Day 319

Journal entry:

Journal 11-23-20120001

I wrote the following poem in answer to the prompt at Poetic Asides. I hope you will visit that site for inspiration.

Profound Affection

My love is deep, deep
As outer space is wide, deep
As the blue ocean,
Deep enough for you to sink
Into almost forever.

I hold you inside
The heart of me, so tightly,
I will never let
You go because you do mean
The whole wide world to me now.

We are family
Our bonds are very deep and
Tight altogether,
No one can break us apart
Because we love each other.

I never forget
How dear you remain to me,
I am reminded
How precious are the ties of
Our generations of blood.

Deep is the meaning
Of our lives joined together
And deep is the love
We continue sharing with
One another every day.

Jo Ann J. A. Jordan
Friday, November 23, 2012





I am grateful:

1.   Today was a relaxing and quiet day.
2.   My dog, Hope, is a comfort to me.
3.   Jeremy and Christy brought enough food for our supper.
4.   I am able to write with some skill.
5.   I had outstanding teachers who helped me learn.

I hope you had a rewarding Friday. Spend a bit of your time now working creatively. You can accomplish much if you simply apply yourself to making an effort. The world awaits your greatness.

As a prompt, write about someone or something that means a great deal to you. You might write about how that person or thing influences your life. Just take time to write with conviction. If you use this prompt, please leave a link to your work in the comments below.

Thank you for visiting my blog. I hope you have thoughts, suggestions, or criticism to share with me in the comments. You may want to follow Chronicles if you enjoyed your visit here.

Jo Ann

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