Wednesday, November 28, 2012

365 Creativity Project-Day 324

Journal entry:

Journal 11-28-20120001

Today, I did not feel comfortable with the prompt at Poetic Asides, so I went instead to The Sunday Whirl. I know it is a bit late to use that prompt, but I hope I will be forgiven my tardiness. The words in italics are from the wordle. Visit either of these sites for a dose of inspiration.


The scent of silence
Held sway at the disturbed end
Of her sentences,
The audience fell stark still
At sight of her in a heap.

She skimmed the pages
Of her unscripted life for
Some fleck of meaning
But it all seemed a load of
Unmitigated trouble.

Did no balm exist
For the soul of an exile
Lost within a world
Holding no place for one who
Was so very different.

Perhaps walking on
Stage with these sycophants who
Mindlessly follow
The trends of society
Was completely a mistake.

She belatedly
Remembers you cannot choose
Where you enter life,
But you have total control
Of how you choose to live it.

Jo Ann J. A. Jordan
Wednesday, November 28, 2012





I am grateful:

1.   I am free to rest and recuperate.
2.   I have plenty of books to entertain me.
3.   We have food on hand so I do not have to go shopping.
4.   We have electricity to keep us comfortable.
5.   We have clean running water.

Wednesday is midweek, I hope yours was pleasant. I want you to use your great imagination to create something wonderful. Share your talent with the world.

As a prompt, write about snow. Maybe you live where it happens often, maybe you rarely see it, either way, write about it in a poem, story, or journal entry. If you use this prompt, please leave a link to your work in the comments below.

Thank you for taking time out of your busy life to read my blog. Perhaps you have thoughts, suggestions, or criticism, if so please leave a comment. If you would like to receive daily updates, follow Chronicles.

Jo Ann

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