Sunday, February 10, 2013

Creativity Project Year Two-Day 33

Journal entry:

Journal 2-10-20130001



I have my doubts, but
I have made this decision
So very many
Times that I am hesitant
To trust myself once again.

So I pray Jesus
Take my heart and complete life,
I repent of all
My many sins and ask that
You forgive me completely.

I want certainty,
But know I constantly
Dwell in a state of
Doubt, so I plead finally
Pardon me, give me Your peace.

Show me what You want
Me to do, I am fully
Yours, deliver me,
Only You can fulfill my
Greatest need, ending my doubt.

If it be Your will
Seal my soul and open up
The gates of Heaven
So I may enter into
Fellowship with You, my Lord.

Jo Ann J. A. Jordan
Sunday, February 10, 2013


I am grateful:

1.   Mom was able to go to Sunday School and Worship Service with me today.
2.   God has patience with me.
3.   I was not in the terrible accident on I-20 this afternoon.
4.   Although it rained and I was not able to take pictures at Oakland Cemetery the trip was not wasted.
5.   Hoke took us on a tour of places that we could shoot in the future while it rained.


I hope your Sunday was wonderful. My day was full of happy moments. I urge you to take time and produce something creative. Perhaps you have a new vision to share with the world. Do it now.

As a prompt, write about something you doubt and how you can resolve the doubt. I hope you have the peace of Heaven’s certainty, if not, consider making a decision for Jesus today. If this prompt gets you writing, please leave a link to your work in the comments below.

Thank you for visiting my blog. Do leave a comment if you have thoughts, suggestions, or criticism to share with me. Please follow Chronicles if you would like to receive updates by email.

Jo Ann




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