Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Creativity Project Year Two-Day 36

Journal entry:

Journal 2-13-20130001


Be Aware

Wherever you are,
You are surrounded by love
Given so freely
By many who hold you in
The center of their soft hearts.

You are the apple
Of at least one somebody’s
Eye without question,
You may be unaware of
The person who holds you dear.

Even should you doubt,
Even should you have questions,
Love enfolds you in
Layers of great compassion
That will never desert you.

You may go searching
Fearing you will never find
The love of your life,
But believe he or she is
Near, you will surely find them.

Love is yours to be
Savored throughout existence,
It is always there
Enveloping you within
Its rich sweetness forever.

Jo Ann J. A. Jordan
Wednesday, February 13, 2013


I am grateful:

1.   Electronic devices allow me to retain connection to friends and family around the world.
2.   Technology has made great advances in my lifetime.
3.   I remember when communication was more difficult.
4.   I still have the old skills although I have adopted newer ones.
5.   Reading and writing are still prominent.


This Wednesday was a bit of a disappointment because my packages did not arrive, but it ended well. I hope your day was rewarding and you accomplished much of what you wished. Now, before you finish the day, exercise your imagination and create something that will benefit you and others in the world. When you express your vision and share it, you enlighten others who may need to see as you do.

As a prompt, write a poem, story, or journal entry using some or all of the words: orders, supposed, packages, effort, linger, encounter, momentary, claimed, resting, commonly, surrounded, compassion. If you use this prompt, please leave a link to your work in the comments below.

Thank you for visiting my blog. I hope you will come here often, but you may also want to subscribe to Chronicles for future updates. I am very interested in anything you would like to share with me, so please leave a comment.

Jo Ann

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