Tuesday, June 04, 2013

Creativity Project Year Two-Day 146

Journal entry:

Journal 6-3-20130001



Red is the passion
Of a heart unfettered by
Any real restraint,
One that is given freely,
Totally dedicated.

Scarlet are kisses
Tracking over the body
Of one who lays down
All inhibitions that hold
Burning emotions at bay.

Red is fulfillment
Of wildly raging lovers
In each other’s arms,
Carrying them beyond all
Their dearly held fantasies.

Crimson is the first
Flush of love opening souls
To one another,
The divine connection draws
Sweethearts together always.

Red is the growing
Trust between any who share
Intertwined lives for
Longer than they ever had
Reason to expect they would.

Jo Ann J. A. Jordan
Monday, June 3, 2013


I am grateful:

1.   I woke up early.
2.   I had a hot shower.
3.   Mom was able to get her bath.
4.   The tablet I wanted went on sale.
5.   Best Buy did have it, even though one of the sales associates said they did not.


I had a great Monday, although Mom was in a lot of pain and I was saddened by her discomfort. I hope your day was also good. I encourage you to take time to use your imagination and create something to share with others. Even if you only work for your own pleasure it is worthwhile. However, your talent is sure to move people if you put your creations on display.

As a prompt, write about something you have delayed doing. Maybe it is buying something, or sharing news with someone you care about. Whatever it is, write it out. If you use this prompt, please leave a link to your work in the comments below.

Thank you for visiting my blog. I am embarked on a challenge throughout June sponsored by Our Lost Jungle. I hope this will keep me motivated. Please come back to see what I am doing often. You might like to subscribe to Chronicles by email so you receive updates. You comments are always welcome, so leave one below.

Jo Ann

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