Tuesday, June 04, 2013

Creativity Project Year Two-Day 147

Journal entry:

Journal 6-4-20130001



Silver and gold have I none;
But such as I have, give I T
I turn my heart toward You,
But that is not fit for my King;
There should be so much more.

I must devote every fiber
Of my existence to You,
Oh my Lord, but You give
Everything to me who am
Completely unworthy of favor.

The life You give me is fit
For highest royalty, but I have
Nothing with which to repay
Your ultimate kindness and
Totally magnanimous love.

My devotion is all I can offer
To You my mighty King,
You hold my life in Your palms
And I am blessed beyond measure
Because of Your sacrifice for me.

Silver and gold have I none;
But such as I have, give I Thee…
Jesus, my heart, my whole being,
Is yours to employ however
It is you may decide, my King.

Jo Ann J. A. Jordan
Tuesday, June 4, 2013


I am grateful:

1.   I enjoyed staying up all night.
2.   I made progress with installing applications on my tablet.
3.   I only have about 100 pages left to read in The Accursed by Joyce Carol Oates.
4.   God graciously allowed my test results to come back without further irregularities.
5.   Life is rewarding though packed with challenges.


My day went much better than I expected, because I was very afraid. I hope your day went beyond your expectations as well. Now, while you have a few moments, I encourage you to engage your mind in creative exercise. You are full of talent and gifts that you have hardly explored can bring dreams to fruition. So get busy.

As a prompt, use this line as from the Bible for your inspiration: Silver and gold have I none; but such as I have give I thee. Any part of it, or all of it, can be used in your creation. If you use this prompt, please leave a link to your work in the comments below.

Thank you for visiting my blog. Please come back often. If you are interested in receiving email updates from Chronicles, please subscribe. Any comment you may have to share would be appreciated.

Jo Ann

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