Wednesday, January 18, 2012

365 Creativity Project–Day Nine

Today’s entry is a poem on a subject very dear to me:

Journal 1-18-20120001

A few pictures from my mile walk with Hope:


 A plant green despite Winter.




These were experimental shots of our shadows.

Mom and I are doing Read The Bible For Life every day, and we are working our way through Genesis. Mom commented today that she did not realize how much violence and immorality went on in biblical times. She has read the Bible through before, but she read the King James Version and the stories did not communicate to her as clearly. We discussed how everything we experience in our society today was present in olden times. Technology has changed, but people are much the same as ever. The same challenges to faith and belief we face today were there for people of the past. We can learn from their examples.

Today, many sites on the internet went black to protest SOPA and PIPA, which are bills under consideration by government here in the United States. These two pieces of legislation have the potential to bring widespread censorship to the internet. I encourage you to let your representatives know that you want the internet to remain a free place for the exchange of information. Tell them you do not agree with SOPA and PIPA.

I talked to Alex, my son, for almost an hour this morning. It was wonderful hearing his voice. He is currently training in Hawaii and will be going to California before returning to his station in Okinawa, Japan. He seemed very upbeat and our conversation was enjoyable.

I hope there is peace and love wherever you are. May you be inspired to create some beauty in the world today.

Jo Ann

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