Thursday, January 26, 2012

365 Creativity Project–Day Seventeen

A poem, a picture, and a journal entry:

Journal 1-26-20120001


Journal 1-26-20120002

Today is Thursday so it is gratitude list day.

I am thankful:

1.   Mom is feeling better today after being quite sick last night.
2.   The dogs were groomed yesterday.
3.   Some people are following my creativity project.
4.   Alex and I were able to communicate a while today.
5.   I have read five books so far this year.
6.   When my old laptop suddenly stopped working last night it was only because the power cord was disconnected and the battery dead.
7.   Penny is doing well despite congestive heart failure.
8.   I still have some money left and it is near the end of the month.
9.   I have internet access and a working laptop.
10.  I have a comfortable bed in which to sleep.

I am hoping to draw something for tomorrow. Drawing seems to be harder for me than creatively writing or taking photographs. I think I am less sure of my skill, especially with the Wacom tablet. This project is not to do things perfectly, but to make some creative effort daily. I made it intentionally broad in category so that any effort counts. I am pleased that I am still doing this project.

I hope your day brings you some inspiration that you can turn into a work of creativity.

Jo Ann

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