Sunday, January 15, 2012

365 Creativity Project–Day Six

This has been a productive day. I have drawn and painted a picture, created a song, taken some photographs, and written a journal entry. I have also finished up the week’s Bible study with my Mom.

First, the picture I finished early this morning before going to bed:

Flowers and Butterfly

The song I created while walking with Hope and my handwritten journal entry for today:

Journal 1-15-20120001

The photographs I took today:


A different angle on the Radio Flyer. This image haunts me.


Hope sniffing…


Hope hurrying toward me with her tongue licking her nose.


Wood and rocks with Radio Flyer in the background.


Hope in profile.


Hope relaxing after our walk.

As I work toward doing something creative every day it seems to get easier and feel more rewarding. I encourage anyone who is contemplating doing one of these projects to go for it. It stretches your abilities and gives you practice to help you move forward with your artistic pursuits. My only regret is that I did not begin earlier.

I hope you are following along and will continue with me on this adventure. Your input is priceless to me. If something touches you, or amuses you, please let me know. Even if you have a negative comment I am interested in hearing what you have to say. This is a journey on which I hope to improve my skills, so all opinions are welcome.

I hope you are having a wonderful day and that you are inspired to do something creative.

Jo Ann

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