Saturday, June 30, 2012

365 Creativity Project-Day 173

Journal entry, which rambles a bit:

Journal 6-30-20120001

Forward Press

Door does not open
Backward onto those days past,
At least I hope not,
Walk forward into future
Where hope glows forever bright.

Memories may haunt
Our days, but they are dispelled
By the onward march
Of newborn hours that beguile
Us with pleasant smiles we love.

The paths we begin
Are green, verdant, abundant
Filled with the rich scent
Of sweet lavender, roses,
And climbing honeysuckle.

We amuse ourselves
With speculation about
What our days may bring,
But we may never hold back
The oncoming procession.

Time waits for no one…
It extracts its full payment
Claiming the price due
For every moment we spend
No matter what our reward.

Jo Ann J. A. Jordan
Saturday, June 30, 2012






I am grateful:

1.   I have learned to be thankful.
2.   I enjoy so many blessings.
3.   God is in Heaven watching over us, each and every one.
4.   I went back to sleep after the telephone woke me this morning.
5.   We have a good fan in addition to the air conditioning.

This is a sweltering Saturday, I hope you are staying cool wherever you are. It is time for you to get your creativity in gear and make something of lasting value. That does not mean it has to be perfect, it just has to be your interpretation of life in this world or the world of your imagination. I know you can create and I urge you to do it. It will help you deal with the disappointments of life and infuse you with hope for the future.

If you need a prompt, think about all the wonders that grace your life, and write about some of them. You could make a rambling journal entry as I did today, or write a poem about something specific. You could simply make a gratitude list, but do something that leads you to reflect on life’s goodness. If you use the prompt, please leave a link in the comments so we can visit your work.

I realize I rambled a bit today, but I hope you found something you enjoyed. Please feel free to leave me any comments or suggestions. Thank you so much for visiting my blog and entering my world.

Jo Ann

Friday, June 29, 2012

365 Creativity Project-Day 172

Journal entry:

Journal 6-29-20120001

This is the website where you can join the challenge: 24 Hour Zine Thing. I highly recommend you do this, because it will get you creating, and you know how I feel about creativity.


I come with heavy
Heart hurting for so many
Who are suffering
At this very moment and
I can only lift them up.

I know God’s mighty
Grace is fully sufficient,
But still I long to
Place my arms around all these
Precious ones who need comfort.

I pray that others
May remember the many
Who are desperate,
Depressed, injured, bereaved, ill,
And our prayers join together.

There are numerous
Needs everywhere in our world
And only God can
Meet them though we each must do
Whatever we can to help.

The good of Christ may
Reach into every darkness
Pain and easing many hurts
Restoring minds, hearts, and souls.

Jo Ann J. A. Jordan
Friday, June 29, 2012



I think Mom looked adorable… I picked out that outfit…


Close up of Mom…


Crepe Myrtle…


Thermometer in Douglasville today…


Flowering Yucca…

I am grateful:

1.   We have air conditioning.
2.   I got up early this morning.
3.   Mom is getting a new charger for her implant.
4.   I received a galley by UPS.
5.   I went to the post office and mailed an important letter.

I hope you have had a wonderful and enjoyable Friday. I know it is a bit late, but you have time to create something. You have the ability, so get busy. I am sure you can manage a poem, journal entry, story, essay, or some sort of picture. Do not make excuses for why you should not create, challenge yourself to accomplish something meaningful.

If you need a prompt write about something you learned online today. It might be a news item, something a friend said, a post you saw on a blog, anything really… I know you spend ample time online to find something about which to write. If you use this prompt, please leave a link to your work in the comments below.

I would love to learn your thoughts, so please comment.

Jo Ann

Thursday, June 28, 2012

365 Creativity Project-Day 171

Journal entry:

Journal 6-28-20120001

Forward Strides

One word connected
To others making meaning
Completes a fine line
Eventually leading
To a poem, story, or book.

One line continued
Across a brand new canvas
Joins others to bring
A vision into focus
Creating finished artwork.

Any dollar saved
Can surely be built upon
To finally lead
To a purchase for which one
Has long wished and much desired.

One person can help
Another to accomplish
Something larger than
Either of them can finish
Or yet hope to do alone.

Dreams are realized
When our creativity
Is harnessed to will
Fueled by proclivity
To ultimate completion.

Jo Ann J. A. Jordan
Thursday, June 28, 2012



Wizard pin…


Angel pin…


Rose pin…


Happy cat pin…

I am grateful:

1.   I woke up early.
2.   Mom was able to go out with her best friend, June.
3.   I vacuumed the house.
4.   I listened to some music loud.
5.   Some of my dreams have come true.

It is a beautiful Thursday here, and I hope your day has been good. If you have not already created something, do it now. Put your imagination to work and make something that enriches your world. You have the tools you need, so get busy. You brain is forever on call.

If you need a prompt, do as I did and write about dreams. You can be specific or general. If you don’t believe dreams can come true write about your reasoning… Let your heart lead you wherever it desires. I would love to see what you wrote, so leave a link to your work in the comments below.

If anything has made you think or encouraged you today, please leave a comment. If there is something you would like me to write about let me know and I will try to oblige.

Jo Ann

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

365 Creativity Project-Day 170

Journal entry:

Journal 6-27-20120001

I think the prompt on Poetic Asides had something to do with today’s poem. If you would like visit that site and see what sort of work it prompts in you.

Creativity Versus Popularity

In evidence all over,
Should I now change it
To be much more popular,
Pleasing a following crowd?

Of course I want to
Be read widely and admired
For creative work,
But originality
Must have some intrinsic worth.

Is the audience
The end all, be all, of it,
Or does creation
Play an integral part in
What I am accomplishing?

I hope others find
Some challenge, encouragement
In the work I do.
It is not done only for
My own edification.

Should I change it all
To please some other’s idea
Of extreme success,
Or is being authentic
Worth continuing forward?

Jo Ann J. A. Jordan
Wednesday, June 27, 2012





I am grateful:

1.   I had the opportunity to attend a webinar today.
2.   I do not feel compelled to spend money on an e-course.
3.   I have some loyal readers.
4.   Numbers are not a true measure of success.
5.   I have creative freedom.

I hope you have enjoyed your Wednesday. Now is the time for you to stretch your creative muscles and make something that will last beyond this day. Every day should be commemorated because it is a gift that will never come again, and you can do this by writing a poem, story, journal entry, or making some sort of artwork. You have the ability, use it! Do not procrastinate, tomorrow will give you no more time or better inspiration. The act of creating has genius in it.

If you need a prompt, look around your surroundings and pick a favorite object, tell us its story. You can do this in a poem, essay, journal entry, story, whatever form seems inviting to you. If you use this prompt, please leave a link to your work in the comments, so others may read what you created.

I love your input. If you have suggestions or enjoyed something in particular, please leave a comment.

Jo Ann

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

365 Creativity Project-Day 169

Journal entry:

Journal 6-26-20120001

I used the prompt at Carry On Tuesday to formulate this poem. It wanders a bit, but I hope you will enjoy it. Please visit that site and see what images the prompt evokes in you.

Dashed Dreams, Reimagined

Graceful, beautiful,
Fleet like intervening days
That took the roses
Decorating tender cheeks;
Coloring them ever pale.

The airy fables
Of the world waiting beyond,
Believed good, humane,
Remembered impractical
Hopes dashed by reality.

Outgrown adornments
Impossible to reclaim,
The time moved along
Once leaving disappointment
That sleeps deep within the soul.

Daily new risen
With best of good intentions
To accomplish much,
Although the dreams of childhood
Are beyond the reach of most.

Left behind in dust
The faded aspirations
Come ever undone,
Replaced by strenuous work
Using creativity.

Living examples
Of limitless loving truth
Scattered through good days
When nothing can be withheld
From the race toward triumph.

Jo Ann J. A. Jordan
Tuesday, June 26, 2012





I am grateful:

1.   I have collected much music over the years.
2.   I am informed by the writing of so many great authors.
3.   Art lives beyond its creator.
4.   Human beings express beauty.
5.   Books give up their secrets over and over.

I hope you have accomplished all you set out to do this Tuesday. Now that you have a few moments leisure, I encourage you to create something. There is no limit to what your imagination can create if you will devote yourself to manifesting it in your present.

My prompt for you today is to write about the impact you want to have on others. What do you wish your creative legacy to be? Are you taking actions to realize your goals? If you use this prompt, please leave a link to your work in the comments here, so I and others may visit your creation.

I would love to read what you think of today’s entry. Please leave a comment below.

Jo Ann

Monday, June 25, 2012

365 Creativity Project-Day 168

Journal entry:

Journal 6-25-20120001

I created the following poem using the words from Rosemary Mint. The prompt words are in italics. You might visit that site and see what the words suggest to you.

Give Me Shelter

It is natural
To feel some serenity
Listening to rain
Drum on the roof overhead
In the midst of thunderstorms.

A sweet mixed serum,
Patchouli and sandalwood,
Delights the noses
Of café patrons drinking
Espresso, cozy and dry.

A rose in a vase
Alone adorns a table
Where a young hippie
Sips raspberry herbal tea
In a bright tie-dye sundress.

Where once opium
Was brought to market now stand
Karaoke bars
And gyms where yoga is used
To sculpt bodies lean and hard.

Times have really changed
In many parts of our town,
Now safer by far
For citizens seeking some
Shelter from a pop up storm.

Jo Ann J. A. Jordan
Monday, June 25, 2012


I Love You Canvas0001

A simple painted piece I did for my Mom…





I am grateful:

1.   Other creative people make their ideas available on the internet.
2.   We had gasoline to give Jeremy when he came down yesterday.
3.   There was hot water for my shower.
4.   Air conditioning makes these sweltering days bearable.
5.   June is bringing pizza for supper.

I hope your Monday has been good. You can make it a better day by doing something creative. When you use your gifts it can make you much happier.

If you need a prompt today, write about your favorite color. Color adds so much to our lives, it should not be hard for you to create something about your favorite. If you use this prompt, please leave a link to your work in the comments.

If you have suggestions, or enjoyed today’s blog, please leave a comment below.

Jo Ann

Sunday, June 24, 2012

365 Creativity Project-Day 167

Journal entry:

Journal 6-24-20120001

The prompt for today’s poem came from The Sunday Whirl. The words in italics were given on that site. If you want a challenge, visit the site and create something the words suggest.


Haunted by demons
Who appear at the
Invading domain
Through the wide open window
Of deeply flawed tortured soul.

The whistle echoes
Off the ample granite walls
Where only a scrap
Of the montage continues
To remain so fully trapped.

The days scented by
Jasmine that wafts through the air
Encourage freedom
Allowing feelings to rise
Above the gravest of fears.

Reach beyond limitation
Begetting success
That lasts much longer than just
This one fast fleeting moment.

The angels surround
Interior of the heart
Whispering kindness
That raises every being
Into spiritual triumph.

Jo Ann J. A. Jordan
Sunday, June 24, 2012








I am grateful:

1.   The love of our dogs encourages me to be more loving.
2.   I set out beef ribs last night to cook for supper today.
3.   I am inspired by my Mom’s positive spirit in spite of her infirmities.
4.   All prayers are answered in God’s will and timeframe.
5.   My folder of poems is growing thicker.

I hope your Sunday has provided rest and relaxation. I urge you to devote some time to creating something. It can be anything you desire, but do not let the day pass by without nurturing your creativity. You have much to contribute to the world if you will only do it.

My prompt for today is to write about a treasured pet. You may also draw, photograph, or collage using their image. Perhaps you only have memories of a pet, or dreams of owning one, you can write from these. If you use the prompt please leave a link to your work in the comments.

If you have suggestions or would like to share your thoughts, please leave me a comment.

Jo Ann

Saturday, June 23, 2012

365 Creativity Project-Day 166

Journal entry in answer to the prompt I posted in yesterday’s blog entry:

Journal 6-23-20120001

The prompt at Rosemary Mint evoked this poem. The words in italics were given in the prompt. If you like, visit that site and see what the word list produces with you.

Under The Influence

A bit of absinthe
Mixed up with clover honey
In a paper cup
Has taken troubles away
And made me delirious.

I wake to the sound
Of radio under peach
Trees in an orchard
Where it is not very wise
To linger with the pixie.

I seek to subtract
Myself from the pristine scene
Returning to art
Before I am discovered
Missing from my normal days.

What a fine story
I have now to tell others
Of my erstwhile dream
Where I was fully beguiled
To flaunt my inhibitions.

Only finally
I hope to capture in words
The greater magic
Of days when I travelled far
From my own lofty reason.

Jo Ann J. A. Jordan
Saturday, June 23, 2012







I am grateful:

1.   Mozart created music I can enjoy these many years after his demise.
2.   Birds sing.
3.   The sun continues to rise.
4.   The moon graces the sky at night.
5.   The stars are always shining bright to lend us some mystical light.

I sincerely hope your Saturday has gone well. I am sure your day has produced some material from which you can create. So get busy and make something that can brighten your life. You are not confined to any certain discipline, just use your wonderful imagination.

If you are in need of prompting begin with the words: Today is… and go from there. You will no doubt be surprised by what appears on the page. You might not be aware of the significance of the day, but your mind and heart are. If you use this prompt, please leave a link to what you produce in the comments here.

Thank you so much for reading. I would love to have your thoughts on my musings, please leave your comments below.

Jo Ann

Friday, June 22, 2012

365 Creativity Project-Day 165

Journal entry:

Journal 6-22-20120001

Writer’s Debate

I often wonder,
Do words obey my command
As they march across
The page, or am I only
A recruit in their service?

It is hard to say
Who exerts the upper hand,
For the force of words
Appears from out of nowhere,
So should I really claim them?

Could someone other
Than myself not better lead,
Giving direction?
Are these words rightly mine or
Are they only here on loan?

Is there a bank where
I have some lines on account
From which I sometime
May withdraw until surely
Resources are exhausted?

Is inherited from God,
But the words themselves,
Am I truly their master
Or am I only their slave?

Jo Ann J. A. Jordan
Friday, June 22, 2012








I am grateful:

1.   The drive to town went safely.
2.   I have the opportunity to talk to Mom about family history.
3.   I am making a record of my days.
4.   I wrote my poem and journal entry before going to town.
5.   My eyes allow me to see the world and interact with it.

Another week is almost ended and it is Friday again. I hope the day has been rewarding for you. It would be excellent if you took some time to do something creative. Write a journal entry, a poem, a story, or an essay, take a photograph, draw a picture, just do something that exercises your creativity.

If you need a prompt to prime your imagination, write about happiness. You could detail your happiest moment, or why you feel happiness is elusive, or approach it from any angle you desire. Mostly I want you to enjoy the writing and hopefully entice yourself to feel positive. If you use this prompt, please leave a comment with a link to your work so myself and others can share it.

I hope you found something edifying here. If so, please leave a comment.

Jo Ann

Thursday, June 21, 2012

365 Creativity Project-Day 164

Journal entry:

Journal 6-21-20120001

The prompt that encouraged today’s poem can be found at Trifecta. You might visit that site if you need a topic to inspire you.

Genuine Freedom

I am not now blue,
Melancholy does not cling
Tight upon my breast,
Though I have every excuse
To visit deep depression.

No, I made a choice
To make the best of these days,
Picking happiness
Over darker blue feelings;
I am not so much lonely.

I have found my own
Company very pleasant,
Little argument
Happens between me, myself,
And I; there is blissful peace.

Low spirits do not
Dog me, dragging me down to
Roll around in waste;
I have overcome sadness
And risen above the muck.

These days may not be
Perfect, but neither are they
The worst I have seen,
So I continually
Rejoice in my liberty.

Jo Ann J. A. Jordan
Thursday, June 21, 2012







I am grateful:

1.   I have friends who encourage me.
2.   My Mom believes in me.
3.   I have a wonderful companion in my dog, Hope.
4.   Success is more than just what the world sees in me.
5.   God is in control, and it is not all left up to me.

I hope your Thursday has gone exceedingly well. Did you do something that nourished your soul and exercised your creativity yet? If not, I urge you to do it now. The hours are slipping away and you can never retrieve them. Make something to commemorate this day of your life, for your life is a great treasure. You are a gift that has never before and will never again grace the Earth. God created you for greatness, if only in the lives of those who are close to you. You are significant.

If you need a prompt today, write about your fears. This subject can shake up your life and make you aware of areas in which you need improvement. It can be a revelation if you bury your fear deeply. If you use this prompt, please leave a link to your work in the comments so I and others may visit your work.

I hope something in this entry touched you. If so, please leave me a comment.

Jo Ann