Tuesday, June 12, 2012

365 Creativity Project-Day 155

Journal entry:

Journal 6-12-20120001

My poem today is in answer to the prompt at Carry On Tuesday. You might want to go there for some inspiration. I am considering starting a prompt here on Chronicles. I made three journals with a prompt on each page several years ago and think they would be worth using here. If the idea appeals to you, please let me know.

So Over You

No more illusions
The blinders are off my eyes,
I can see clearly
Now that I have decided
To move forward with my life.

You were not really
Mine for such a long, long time,
You played upon my
Emotions keeping me tied
To you after it ended.

I will surely find
Another who will tight cling
To me in sweet bliss
And you will be forgotten,
A part of my history.

I can see clearly
Now that the future will be
Greater than the past,
For this my present is full
Of glorious happiness.

Jo Ann J. A. Jordan
Tuesday, June 12, 2012



Peace Lily…


New bud…

I am grateful:

1.   Even though I did not take a notebook I was able to write a poem in town.
2.   Mom was able to go in Wal-Mart with me and shop.
3.   I do not have to go to town tomorrow.
4.   Diet Cokes were only $5.98 a case.
5.   I rested a while before posting this blog entry.

I hope your Tuesday went well. If you have not already done so, you should create something. There is plenty you can do, so you have no excuse for leaving it undone.

I would appreciate it if you leave me a comment.

Jo Ann

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