Saturday, June 23, 2012

365 Creativity Project-Day 166

Journal entry in answer to the prompt I posted in yesterday’s blog entry:

Journal 6-23-20120001

The prompt at Rosemary Mint evoked this poem. The words in italics were given in the prompt. If you like, visit that site and see what the word list produces with you.

Under The Influence

A bit of absinthe
Mixed up with clover honey
In a paper cup
Has taken troubles away
And made me delirious.

I wake to the sound
Of radio under peach
Trees in an orchard
Where it is not very wise
To linger with the pixie.

I seek to subtract
Myself from the pristine scene
Returning to art
Before I am discovered
Missing from my normal days.

What a fine story
I have now to tell others
Of my erstwhile dream
Where I was fully beguiled
To flaunt my inhibitions.

Only finally
I hope to capture in words
The greater magic
Of days when I travelled far
From my own lofty reason.

Jo Ann J. A. Jordan
Saturday, June 23, 2012







I am grateful:

1.   Mozart created music I can enjoy these many years after his demise.
2.   Birds sing.
3.   The sun continues to rise.
4.   The moon graces the sky at night.
5.   The stars are always shining bright to lend us some mystical light.

I sincerely hope your Saturday has gone well. I am sure your day has produced some material from which you can create. So get busy and make something that can brighten your life. You are not confined to any certain discipline, just use your wonderful imagination.

If you are in need of prompting begin with the words: Today is… and go from there. You will no doubt be surprised by what appears on the page. You might not be aware of the significance of the day, but your mind and heart are. If you use this prompt, please leave a link to what you produce in the comments here.

Thank you so much for reading. I would love to have your thoughts on my musings, please leave your comments below.

Jo Ann

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