Journal entry:
Forward Strides
One word connected
To others making meaning
Completes a fine line
Eventually leading
To a poem, story, or book.
One line continued
Across a brand new canvas
Joins others to bring
A vision into focus
Creating finished artwork.
Any dollar saved
Can surely be built upon
To finally lead
To a purchase for which one
Has long wished and much desired.
One person can help
Another to accomplish
Something larger than
Either of them can finish
Or yet hope to do alone.
Dreams are realized
When our creativity
Is harnessed to will
Fueled by proclivity
To ultimate completion.
Jo Ann J. A. Jordan
Thursday, June 28, 2012
Wizard pin…
Angel pin…
Rose pin…
Happy cat pin…
I am grateful:
1. I woke up early.
2. Mom was able to go out with her best friend, June.
3. I vacuumed the house.
4. I listened to some music loud.
5. Some of my dreams have come true.
It is a beautiful Thursday here, and I hope your day has been good. If you have not already created something, do it now. Put your imagination to work and make something that enriches your world. You have the tools you need, so get busy. You brain is forever on call.
If you need a prompt, do as I did and write about dreams. You can be specific or general. If you don’t believe dreams can come true write about your reasoning… Let your heart lead you wherever it desires. I would love to see what you wrote, so leave a link to your work in the comments below.
If anything has made you think or encouraged you today, please leave a comment. If there is something you would like me to write about let me know and I will try to oblige.
Jo Ann
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