Friday, October 05, 2012

365 Creativity Project-Day 269

A poem inspired by my Mom’s complaints:

Journal 10-4-20120001

Not so sure about this either, but I spent over an hour on it, so I need to use it…

Worth Our Exertion

We are not given
Any time to waste in haste,
But we are given
All the fullness of God’s grace
To fulfill our true promise.

Everyday moments
Are transformed into treasure
To fully savor
In our hours of sweet leisure
Bought with abundant labor.

We each contribute
Our creative liberty
To making something
Which enriches the beauty
Of our grand society.

Our nobility
Is boundless, never wasted
In incomplete tasks
Where our defeat is tasted;
We abide by the sacred.

Our hours are precious
Spent in honorable work
Which we are given
And will never ever shirk;
Blessed by God’s providence.

Jo Ann J. A. Jordan
Thursday, October 4, 2012





I am grateful:

1.   I had Oreos and milk for breakfast.
2.   We are finally reading in the New Testament.
3.   There was warm water for my shower.
4.   I had a nice outfit to wear.
5.   I was able to pick up cases of soda before I went to the Cultural Arts Center this evening.

I went to a photo exhibit tonight and did not get home until fairly late so I am running behind on this. I hope you had a magnificent Thursday. Mine was interesting. If you feel inclined, take a few moments to exercise your creativity. You will not regret it. It can refresh your spirit.

As a prompt, write about expectations. You might focus on something you want, or you could write about someone else’s demands. Whatever gets your pen or fingers moving. If you use this prompt, please leave a link to your work in the comments below.

Thank you so very much for visiting my blog. If you found something that pleased you, consider subscribing to Chronicles. I respect your thoughts, suggestions, and criticism, so please leave a comment. I read every one.

Jo Ann

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