Journal entry:
When looking around
The corner what did I see,
But a scary man
Staring straight into my eyes
Without any fear of me.
I am not fearsome,
So easily overcome
By any other
Who stands up against me with
A firm presence, unafraid.
I only know how
To fade into the distance
Disappearing out
Of sight of those who are strong
And full of raging anger.
I fight my battles
With simple syllables that
Flow ever freely
From my trembling lips into
The awaiting empty space.
A frightening thing
Is a man who attempts to
Intimidate me
By taking away my voice
To reach out unto the world.
Jo Ann J. A. Jordan
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
I am grateful:
1. Jeremy, Christy, and Jayden allowed me to take photos of their jack-o-lanterns and cat last night.
2. I caught us up on our Bible reading.
3. Hope is almost well.
4. Mom felt better today.
5. We had a quiet day at home.
I hope you had a very Happy Halloween. Take time to create something before the day is over. I know there is plenty of inspiration on a day such as this one. You have the talent, just apply yourself and share your magnificent gifts with the world.
As a prompt, write about something that scares you. This could be a person, a challenge, or a circumstance. Anything that makes you uncomfortable could qualify. If you use this prompt, please leave a link to your work in the comments below.
Thank you for visiting my blog. If you have thoughts, suggestions, or criticism, please leave me a comment. I want to remind you that it is easy to follow Chronicles, in case you would like daily updates.
Jo Ann
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