Sunday, December 02, 2012

365 Creativity Project-Day 328

Journal entry:

Journal 12-2-20120001

Today’s poem is in answer to The Sunday Whirl. If you need inspiration please visit that site.


All desire does not
Find me forlorn, but I wax
Eloquent about
Each drive I slake in rough-
Poems wrought by manic work.

I am doubly blessed
By creativity and
Rapt dedication
To making verses that sing
On magnificent pages.

I sand my words on
The harsh tongues that clash then fuse
In an affair which
Meets at the fork of my own
Ambitious conversation.

I embrace each line
I write with great devotion
Bringing them softly
To the open attention
Of people who read along.

I celebrate life
In the verses I capture
For entertainment
Of those who peruse the words
I place before their vision.

Jo Ann J. A. Jordan
Sunday, December 2, 2012





I am grateful:

1.   I was able to catch some extra sleep this morning.
2.   Alex and I have talked via Voxer quite a lot today.
3.   We have a washer and dryer to take care of our clothes.
4.   We have a microwave that allows us to cook and warm food quickly.
5.   My printer still works after four years.

I have had a wonderful Sunday and I hope your day was just as good. Now devote yourself to working creatively for a while. If you do not capture your thoughts in a lasting form you cannot share them with others.

As a prompt, write about writing or writers. You might find you have a great deal you want to say. Writing always seems to be an inexhaustible subject for me. If you use this prompt, please leave a link to your work in the comments below.

I hope your visit to my blog has been pleasant. I appreciate you taking time to read my musings. Should you have thoughts, suggestions, or criticism to share, please leave a comment. If you would enjoy future updates delivered to you daily, subscribe to Chronicles.

Jo Ann

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