Tuesday, December 18, 2012

365 Creativity Project-Day 344

Journal entry:

Journal 12-18-20120001

Falling Short

Sometimes it is hard
To make others happy as
You would really like
Because they have different
Measures of satisfaction.

You attempt to make
The best of situations,
But you only cause
Misunderstanding, trouble,
Not at all what you desire.

You cannot give up,
You cannot stop trying to
Bring some happiness
To those for whom you care so
Very much, loving them more.

Jo Ann J. A. Jordan
Tuesday, December 18, 2012





I am grateful:

1.   Alex came to visit a while today.
2.   I was able to shoot with the pistol and rifle some.
3.   I did not run out of hot water in the shower.
4.   Hope settled down after we finished shooting.
5.   Alex and Laura are going to be with us for Christmas dinner.

I enjoyed my Tuesday a great deal. I hope you had a good day as well. I urge you to use your creativity and make something wonderful to share with the world. I know you have the ability, because I believe you are at least as talented as I am.

As a prompt, write about disappointment. This might be your own or that of another. Write a poem, story, or journal entry, whatever appeals to you most. If you use this prompt, leave a link to your work in the comments below.

Thank you for visiting my blog. Should you wish to share your thoughts, suggestions, or criticism, please leave a comment. If you enjoyed your time here, please consider subscribing to Chronicles.

Jo Ann

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