Journal entry:
They want
To track us in
A database, each one
Who is mentally ill, as if
We were criminals who should have no rights.
Is it not enough suffering
Isolation and the
Punishment of
Jo Ann J. A. Jordan
Friday, December 21, 2012
I am grateful:
1. Jeremy and Jayden came by for a few minutes this afternoon.
2. I found my way to town down unfamiliar roads.
3. The Rolling Stones 50 was still on the table at Sam’s Club, so I was able to get my copy.
4. Mom’s medicine was available today.
5. I remembered one of my dreams when I woke up.
I hope you have had a wonderful Friday. I am somewhat disappointed, but there were some very good moments today. Working creatively makes me feel my effort is worthwhile and I believe you will find it so if you engage your imagination. Do something you can share with the world.
As a prompt, write about a type of discrimination you have witnessed or experienced. This should give you plenty of material for a poem, story, or journal entry. If you use this prompt, please leave a link to your work in the comments below.
Thank you so much for taking time to read my blog. I am very interested in your thoughts, suggestions, or criticism, so please leave a comment. If you enjoyed your visit here, perhaps you would like to subscribe to Chronicles.
Jo Ann
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