Thursday, March 07, 2013

Creativity Project Year Two-Day 58

Journal entry:

Journal 3-7-20130001


Abundant Richness

These shining stars,
Fertile earth lies sleeping,
Waiting for the rising sun’s touch
Upon its fecund body bringing seeds
Planted with greatest future hope
To complete fruition
Below blue skies

Jo Ann J. A. Jordan
Thursday, March 7, 2013


I am grateful:

1.   I got an email with a code for 20% off Nike clearance items.
2.   My prescriptions were filled with no problem.
3.   I bought some Krispy Kreme doughnuts at Wal-Mart.
4.   I ate Cream of Asparagus soup for supper, which was a real treat.
5.   I am going to take the Photography 2 Class, which should help me improve my photography even more.


I had a very good Thursday and hope you did as well. Before you put this day to rest, engage your imagination and create something to share with the world. You have the ability, have confidence in yourself.

As a prompt, write a poem, story, or journal entry with a hint of Spring. The days are growing longer again and the weather is beginning to warm, so write about it. If you use this prompt, please leave a link to your work in the comments below.

I am so glad you spent time reading my blog. I would love to read any comments you may have to share. I hope you will visit often, but you may also want to enter your email above to receive email updates from Chronicles.

Jo Ann

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