Journal entry:
It Is A Miracle
My mind is broken,
Yet I still think…
My heart is broken,
Yet I still feel…
My body is broken,
Yet I still stand…
My spirit is broken,
Yet I am healed…
By the power of Jesus
My life continues:
Sane within my insanity,
Loving despite my hurts,
Upright despite my infirmity,
Saved despite my many
And terrible wrongs,
By His grace and mercy.
I can still think
Because He clarifies my mind…
I can still feel
Because He works in my emotions…
I can still stand
Because He works in my weakness…
I can claim healing
Because I am forgiven by His blood…
Jo Ann J. A. Jordan
Saturday, March 16, 2013
I am grateful:
1. I had Oreo cookies for breakfast with a glass of cold milk.
2. I had my Droid with me and was able to call Mom to help her set the thermostat on air conditioning so she would not get too hot.
3. My friend, Jana, and I met for lunch at Wendy’s.
4. I had enough money for lunch and we had some uplifting conversation.
5. I talked to my best friend, Reba, this evening and am seeing her tomorrow after church.
The weather today was gorgeous and I thoroughly enjoyed my Saturday. I hope your day was filled with blessings as well. If you have a few moments to spare, or can make the time, engage yourself in creative work. It will enrich your life and calm you mind. Make your work a prayer or meditation and let it flow from your heart. Your talent will bless the others who are influenced by your imagination.
As a prompt, write about some of the things you take for granted from an attitude of gratitude. You might be surprised at how much is good in your life. If you create a poem, story, or journal entry, please leave a link to your work in the comments below.
I almost did not write tonight, because I have so many other things I should be getting done. I had nothing about which to write. No inspiration graced me, but I managed to create something. I truly appreciate your taking the time to read my blog. I hope you will return often, but you might also want to enter your email address above so that you receive future updates from Chronicles. I hope something here has touched you. If you have thoughts, suggestions, or criticism to share, please leave me a comment. I am in need of your opinions on whether this blog is effective.
Jo Ann
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