Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Creativity Project Year Two-Day 77

Journal entry:

Journal 3-26-20130001


In Passing

Here I am again
Writing out my many lines,
In hope of reaching
Someone’s heart, making my voice
Heard beyond this lonely space.

There you are reading
These words I so carefully
Chose to place before
Your eyes with the intention
Of influencing your thought.

Everywhere I go
I try to capture something
Of the essential
Quality of life’s meaning
And distill it into verse.

Here, there, everywhere
I gather up the phrases
That will somehow change
Or impact lives in contact
With mine through these expressions.

Will anyone long
Remember or soon forget
What I have written
Of my life’s experience;
Just here, there, and everywhere.

Jo Ann J. A. Jordan
Tuesday, March 26, 2013


I am grateful:

1.   I stayed home all day.
2.   My package came, so I have the right power adapter for my laptop.
3.   Mom went out with her best friend, June.
4.   My hair does not require cutting as often as Mom’s does.
5.   My life is not as stressful as those of some others.


I like Tuesdays like today, when I can stay home and enjoy the peace and relative quiet. I hope your day was full of joy and smiles. Now I urge you to engage your imagination in doing something creative. Your mind is filled with ideas that will appeal to other people. You just have to excavate the treasure you possess within you. I am not endowed with any special quality that you do not also embody. So if I can work creatively, so can you.

As a prompt, write about what you think might happen if you suddenly disappeared. You might handle this as a poem, story, or journal entry. If you use the prompt, please leave a link to your work in the comments below. I look forward to reading what you create.

Thank you so much for reading my blog. I hope you will come back to visit often, but you might also want to enter your email above and subscribe to Chronicles. I am always glad to receive your comments. Your words encourage and challenge me to continue this Creativity Project.

Jo Ann 

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