Saturday, March 30, 2013

Creativity Project Year Two-Day 81

Journal entry:

Journal 3-30-20130001


Calling For Relief

I see their faces
Projected on all my screens,
There is no hiding
From their desperate hardship,
I want to alleviate.

I am not so far
Removed from their poverty,
But God blesses me
With everything which I need
And some things I merely want.

How can I with so
Little do enough to help
Make their lives better?
Maybe someone who reads this
Will be moved to aid the poor.

I pray Lord Jesus
To send them all the help that
They need in this time
Including the Good News of
The awesome gift of His grace.

I try to remind
Those who are within my reach
To lend helping hands
To those who cross their pathways
And those who are far away.

Jo Ann J. A. Jordan
Saturday, March 30, 2013


I am grateful:

1.   I woke up early this morning.
2.   Though my stomach was upset I had a good day.
3.   The outfit Mom got for me fits.
4.   I am still writing daily.
5.   My computer is very useful.


My Saturday has been delightful. I hope your day was also enjoyable. I loaded fourteen CDs (162 songs) into iTunes and onto my iPods today. The music helped intoxicate my muse who came out of hiding for a little while. I recommend you engage your imagination and creativity to make something to share with the world.

As a prompt, write about an issue in society that concerns you. You might write a poem, concoct a story, or write a journal entry. Do whatever suits your mood and leave a link to your work in the comments below.

Thank you for visiting my blog. While you are here you might want to enter your email address in the space above so you will receive future updates from Chronicles. If you have any thoughts, suggestions, or criticism to share with me, please leave a comment.

Jo Ann

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