Saturday, April 28, 2012

365 Creativity Project-Day 109

Journal entry:

Journal 4-27-20120001

April Poem A Day Challenge, poem twenty-seven:

The Trouble Is Me

I could easily
Fall prey to blaming others
For my own problems,
But that is not my manner
Of dealing with existence.

My choices have cost
Many opportunities
To further my life,
Consequences developed
Because of headstrong actions.

The life I now live
Is not always everything
I would desire it
Should be, but the trouble is
Undoubtedly found in me.

I have the power
To change the circumstances,
Building destiny
That fulfills my fondest dreams
Relying on my talents.

The trouble is me,
But the solution also
Depends on actions
That I can easily take
Creating much better days.

Jo Ann J. A. Jordan
Friday, April 27, 2012







Rose bud…


Rose and bud…

I am grateful:

1.   Mom is doing somewhat better.
2.   We were given free cookbooks at Sam’s Club.
3.   I did not have to read genealogies in the Bible today.
4.   There is much happiness in my life.
5.   My work here at home is appreciated.

Friday again, I hope you had a rewarding day. Try to accomplish something creative over your weekend. You could write some haiku or tanka. You could do some doodling. You have ability and talent, you only have to use them.

If you found something you liked or see something you believe I could improve, please leave me a comment.

Jo Ann

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