Journal entry:
April Poem A Day Challenge, poem thirty:
Common Plight
Our days slip softly
By, making little lasting
Mark upon the world.
We are not mighty, famous,
Our steps leave no impression.
Our voices whisper
On the passing wind currents
Pushed toward silence.
Few hear our exclamations
Or heed our well-meant advice.
Our lives are vapor
Rising up from the soil for
Only a short while.
We go into the darkness
Of oblivion far too fast.
Our hope is in God
For He redeems existence
Making it worthwhile;
Without His enormous help
We quietly fade away.
Jo Ann J. A. Jordan
Monday, April 30, 2012
Next Word, Better Word…
The Dead Path… an extremely entertaining horror novel. I recommend this one.
I am grateful:
1. I did not have to go out today.
2. I completed the PAD Challenge and have thirty new poems.
3. Mom is coughing very little.
4. I am considering starting a page on Facebook for my writing and artwork.
5. My blog has gained a few followers.
Monday, Monday, not my favorite day, but I hope yours has been productive. I know I say it every day, and yet the message should not get old. You need to do something creative to feed your soul.
Please leave a comment and let me know what you think of today’s entry. Your feedback helps me immensely.
Jo Ann
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