Sunday, April 01, 2012

365 Creativity Project-Day 83

Journal entry:

Journal 4-1-20120001

My poem for today:

Fitful Communication

Weeks go by with no word,
But I know he is there
On his side of the world
Doing his best without complaint.

We are connected despite
The distance separating us.
The internet gives a way
To share our little triumphs.

He says he is almost twenty four,
He has a wife, and things are
Different now, but I am still
His mother, loving him completely.

He is busy, tired, overworked,
I am available, willing, ready,
Whenever he can make the time
For us to share communication.

A few moments of messaging
With him multi-tasking makes
My day worthwhile because
More than anything, I love him.

Jo Ann J. A. Jordan
Sunday, April 1, 2012


Alex Hanging Off Caboose0001

Alex hanging off caboose several years ago…

Alex and Laura Wedding Day0001

Alex and Laura on their wedding day, July 2, 2011.

I am grateful:

1.   Alex and I instant messaged and I found out he is doing well.
2.   We have some meals that are quickly prepared.
3.   The April PAD Challenge gave me a prompt for my poem.
4.   Alex is in college again.
5.   I am finishing this post earlier than usual.

I hope you have had a relaxing Sunday. Join me in doing something creative today.

Jo Ann

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