Saturday, April 28, 2012

365 Creativity Project-Day 110

Journal entry:

Journal 4-28-20120001

April Poem A Day Challenge, poem twenty-eight:

Perishing Vision

The American Dream
Is constantly assaulted
And under duress
Because of great economic
Schisms between rich and poor.

The realization
Of the common person’s hopes,
Near impossible,
Because wages keep decreasing
And costs continually rise.

Many without work
Do not have adequate funds
To maintain their homes
Because the jobs disappear
And few new are created.

The politicians
Bicker in their high places,
Electorate drowns,
Because no solutions come
In time to launch a rescue.

Must be restored to people,
With equality,
Because the American Dream
Is nigh unachievable.

Jo Ann J. A. Jordan
Saturday, April 28, 2012



Ceramic decorative container…


Unicorn paperweight…



I am grateful:

1.   I slept in today.
2.   Wendell visited Mom.
3.   My niece, Carrie Leigh, visited.
4.   My daughter-in-law, Laura, came to get Alex’s iPod Touch and visited a while.
5.   My best friend, Reba, called.

I hope your Saturday has brought you many smiles. The PAD Challenge was to write a problem poem. I know you can think of a problem to write about, because no matter how good your life, there are problems. If that does not appeal by all means do something that showcases your talents creatively.

Let me know what you thought of this blog post by leaving a comment, and please visit again.

Jo Ann

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