Saturday, July 07, 2012

365 Creativity Project-Day 180

Journal entry:

Journal 7-7-20120001

Destiny’s Call

Inspiration comes
Like a light rain on parched earth,
Nourishing the thoughts
Needed to accomplish tasks
Of great creativity.

Neglected talent
Comes back to life with practice,
Growing like limp plants
Reviving after being
Given much needed water.

You are capable
Of accomplishing your dreams,
If you only work
At making them manifest
In these, your present moments.

Your abilities
Make you a bold creator,
You must be certain
Within your own faithful heart
Of your possibilities.

Reach out and assert
Your proper personal right
To achieve every
Desire planted inside you
From this moment henceforward.

You have a wholly
Holy trust in you from birth
So you may create
Everything which will fulfill
Your complete divine purpose.

Jo Ann J. A. Jordan
Saturday, July 7, 2012






I am grateful:

1.   I woke up at 8:00 this morning.
2.   I have a loving family.
3.   I received an email from Alex.
4.   Carrie Leigh came to visit.
5.   Laura came by and stayed a few minutes.

I hope your Saturday has brought you much pleasure. I had difficulty with this project today because I did not know anything I could write or use as pictures. I wrote anyway, and a sweet shower provided pictures. I suggest you can do something creative if you make the effort. I know if I can do it, you can, and I did, so no excuses.

If you need a prompt, create a few titles that make you feel you can follow them up with words. They can be for stories, poems, essays, articles, books, anything really. If you are a visual artist think of a title for a work that gets your creative juices flowing. Should you use this prompt, please give a link to your work in the comments so others may be inspired by you.

I love your input, so please leave a comment. I am so glad you took the time to read my blog, because I know how very precious your time is.

Jo Ann

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