Sunday, July 08, 2012

365 Creativity Project-Day 181

Journal entry:

Journal 7-8-20120001

My poem today is in answer to the prompt at The Sunday Whirl. The italicized words in the poem were supplied by that site. If you are in need of inspiration you might find the prompt helpful, so go visit.

Fair Warning

Ignorant men spurn
Housewives who fall deeply and
Completely in love
With them expecting to spend
Eternity in marriage.

These unlikely chaps
Spend months subtracting themselves
From every year where
They think their balls must retire
In dusty musty drawers.

They avoid the sting
Of soft words penetrating
The tough outer rind
Of the skin they build around
Their ruthless unfaithful hearts.

These unenlightened
Creatures believe privilege
Allows them to use
Women only as playthings,
Discarded after handling.

Ladies do beware
Keeping your sweet affections
For appreciative
Men who know full well to treat
Their partners with great respect.

Jo Ann J. A. Jordan
Sunday, July 8, 2012






I am grateful:

1.   I woke up early again this morning.
2.   The Sunday Whirl gave me an interesting list of words with which to work.
3.   I enjoyed listening to some music from my iPod and Bose SoundDock.
4.   The televangelists gave inspiring messages today.
5.   We are halfway through reading the Bible completely this year.

I hope your Sunday has been relaxing allowing you many enjoyable moments. Take time to create something now, if you have not already today. It will help complete your day and make you feel you have accomplished much.

If you need a prompt write about something you learned this week. We are bombarded by information each day, so I am sure you encountered something new. If you use this prompt please leave a link to your work in the comments so we can enjoy your creation and perhaps learn something ourselves.

I am so glad you took the time to read my blog, please leave me a comment about your experience.

Jo Ann

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