Monday, July 16, 2012

365 Creativity Project-Day 189

Journal entry:

Journal 7-16-20120001

I assure you the story is true. It goes to show how far I have come from those days of complete mental incapacitation. I am very thankful that I have adequate medical coverage at present, without it I would probably not have medication to keep me functional. I am very fortunate.

Puzzling It Out

Picking up the parts
Of life scattered all about,
Keeping the pieces
For times when there is a need,
Not knowing what is required.

You have to live like
Everything matters without
Worrying over
What may eventually
Happen to you in your life.

Holding on tightly,
Never fully letting go,
Because time remains
For making the very best
Of every given moment.

You collect the hours,
Adding them up into days,
Creating meaning
In each fast passing moment,
Making your own destiny.

Life is wonderful,
A sweet dream of happiness
You can claim as true
Expecting such great success
To bring you blessings always.

Jo Ann J. A. Jordan
Monday, July 16, 2012








I am grateful:

1.   Laura woke me this morning with a call asking for information about my condition.
2.   A friend of mine called who I had not heard from in some time.
3.   We drove to the country store to pick up some tomatoes.
4.   I managed to complete our Bible reading even though I really did not want to do it.
5.   The afternoon thunderstorm did not last long.

I hope you have had a productive Monday. Please take a few moments now to do something creative. I know you can write or make a beautiful contribution to your day.

As a prompt today, write about something embarrassing that happened to you, which you now consider funny. I am sure you have a situation like this, I think everyone does. I recounted one of mine, so your turn. If you use this prompt, please leave a link to your work so others can share in your creation.

I am so glad you stopped by my blog today. I hope the experience was pleasant, if you feel inclined, leave a comment letting me know your thoughts.

Jo Ann

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