Monday, July 23, 2012

365 Creativity Project-Day 196

Journal entry:

Journal 7-23-20120001

I used the words from the prompt on Three Word Wednesday in the following poem. The words were feel, shade, and tangle. If you need a bit of inspiration, you might find it at that site, so go visit.


I feel the world with
Me a bit too much at times,
But I would never
Give up my sweet connection
To the onward flow of life.

I live in the shade
Of those who passed through tangle
Of life’s diverse paths
Before my own present time;
I respect their great struggles.

While I am living
I want to be so involved
I know everything
Going on in and around
Me, without any skimping.

I want to succeed
In such a wonderful way
Others will find some
Encouragement for their lives
In my active example.

Jo Ann J. A. Jordan
Monday, July 23, 2012





I am grateful:

1.   I have read 23 books and one full book draft this year.
2.   I slept extremely well.
3.   We had no appointments or errands to run.
4.   Mom enjoyed the supper I cooked.
5.   Tonight is the 1000th RAW and I am finishing this in time to watch it.

Monday, Monday, what a challenging day that begins the working week for most. I hope yours went well. Grab your imagination and create something now. You have the talent to accomplish whatever you turn your will upon.

As a prompt today write about something that may not be quite what it seems. This should give you fertile material for stories, poems, or journal entries. It should not be too hard to depict in visual art if that is where your gifts lie. If you use this prompt, please leave a link to your work in the comments so that we may enjoy your creation.

I hope your visit here has been pleasant. If you like, leave a comment expressing your thoughts.

Jo Ann

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