Monday, July 09, 2012

365 Creativity Project-Day 182

Journal entry:

Journal 7-9-20120001

Quite Powerful

Crafting an answer
To the question of who you
Are to now become
Is the most rewarding work
Your soul does in this lifetime.

Yesterday, today,
Tomorrow are placed within
Your trembling fingers
For you to grasp and then hold
Up for intense inspection.

You can move beyond
All your past limitations
Accomplishing things
Of which you have only dreamed
In your imagination.

You are a creature
Endowed with divinity
Placed in you from birth,
A joint creator with God
Making the best of all gifts.

Nothing can keep you
From expressing your ideas
And manifesting
Your own creativity
In worldly reality.

Jo Ann J. A. Jordan
Monday, July 9, 2012



It is so hot and dry, this drop of water suspended on a fig branch seems refreshing…


Sometimes, I wish I were free to splash in the puddles like a child, but that would not be proper…


Droplets caught on the cedar…

I am grateful:

1.   I caught up on some much needed sleep.
2.   Mom is resting after feeling poorly earlier.
3.   Imagination is free.
4.   Each person is creatively gifted.
5.   Once we master language we can communicate with all the world.

Monday again… the week holds so many possibilities and opportunities. Use your creativity to make something new, something unique, which could only be produced by you. This moment is your time to share the gift of your imagination. Do not procrastinate, now is your perfect time.

If you need a prompt today, write about someone or something you love, or have loved in the past. Paint us a picture of your passion in words, or if you are a visual artist just paint or share a photograph. If you are experiencing the loss of a great love you could write of the feelings you are having. If you use this prompt, please leave a link to your work so that we can see what you created.

Thank you for sharing your day with me. I hope something here touched you. Please feel free to leave a comment. I love your feedback.

Jo Ann

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