Tuesday, January 31, 2012

365 Creativity Project–Day 22

Today I was gifted with many sweet morsels. The words simply kept coming to me with little effort on my part. I hope you will enjoy:

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A few pictures:


Expectant face intently staring.


Close up of Hope.


Clouds that brought to mind sheep.


I love this cup.

Our mile walk today was graced with beautiful skies and warm temperatures. Hope was so happy to be outdoors. Her joy is so intense one cannot help but join her in bliss.

Writing when the words come easily is great fun. It seems to be effortless. Even if the words come in the form of haiku it warms the heart to be given something to write. Maybe if one opens themselves to inspiration it finally comes. I urge everyone who wants to write to spend time at it daily. You cannot produce if you do not apply yourself to actually doing the work. The writing can be anything, but simply writing brings some worthwhile lines to you. You have more talent than that of which you are aware. Talent grows with practice.

I hope your Tuesday has been a great day. May you be blessed with something creative to bring to life.

Jo Ann

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