Wednesday, January 11, 2012

365 Project–Day 2

I am very excited about this project and so far that is providing motivation to continue. I only hope that I can sustain the willingness to do the work over time. I want to share a picture of my work area with you all. That way you will know where at least a portion of the work I do is accomplished.


Not the most organized space, but it works for me. The computer you see to left has now primarily become for my Mom to use to play games and enjoy. We share the space very well and she likes having me near her.

I wrote the following poem in the wee hours of this morning. It is an unedited first draft:

Journal 1-11-20120001

I have to share a picture of my puppy dog, Hope. She is my sweet companion and loving friend.


Here is a little whimsy I came up with today in response to one of my friend’s works:
Life is just the story we tell ourselves. Truth is the perception we retain of what goes on around and within us. The observer, so they have proven in science, has an effect on the outcome of any situation by virtue of simple presence. So we are creative actors in all we witness.

I thought that quite clever, like some of my 140 character postings to Twitter. What astonishes me is how one person’s creative work can provoke creativity in another person. My contact with others through the internet helps inspire me. It is so wonderful that those of us who would otherwise live quietly isolated lives can communicate with people worldwide by simply using connected devices. I am so glad that I have this ability.

I usually do my creative work during the late hours of the night into the early morning, but am hoping to accomplish some of this project during daytime.

That is all I have currently. I wish all of you a fantastic day filled with productivity.

Jo Ann

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