Saturday, January 28, 2012

365 Creativity Project–Day Nineteen

A few haiku:

Journal 1-28-20120001

A few pictures from our walk:


A shot of the magnet on my car.


Interesting base of an oak tree.


I painted this for my Mom in 2000.

I had an experience yesterday at Wal-Mart that I am trying to incorporate into a prose piece, but it is not fully formed in my mind yet. What happened just planted the seed of a story in my head. I am not very good at writing stories, but that is probably because I have not practiced the skill very much. I am more accustomed to writing from my own experience.

Hope and I walked a mile today in the beautiful afternoon sunshine. We are having wonderful weather, but I wish it were colder like it should be in Winter. I am afraid this Spring-like weather does not bode well for us later in the year.

I woke up at a reasonable time today, but I went back to bed and slept until early afternoon. I probably should go to bed earlier, but I enjoy the quiet of the nighttime hours.

I finished reading Rumi Hidden Music this morning. I enjoyed the poetry. It fit in with all the devotional reading I am doing.

I hope all of you have enjoyed your Saturday and found some inspiration for creative work.

Jo Ann

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