Monday, March 21, 2005

Creative Journal Entry 7

What is holy in your existence?
Share that with someone you love.

Life is holy as is God and love. Everything that comes into my life is blessed by and passed through the hands of the Lord. Nothing can touch me that is not allowed by my Savior. Even suffering comes through God’s providence. That is why suffering and sorrow work to my good and make me stronger. I am tested and made complete through trials.

Much of the everyday is holy. The smile of a stranger, family, or friend is precious. The food I partake daily is holy for it nourishes and strengthens my body. The time I spend creatively is holy for it brings me near to the Creator of all things. I am aligned with God when I am using the gifts with which He blessed me.

Reading is a holy act of communication with another human being… through the words we share we touch and influence lives. Writing is holy in that the deep things of the heart are expressed in words. There is much healing to be experienced through the work of writing.

The things I choose to invite into my home are holy. The outer things express what I hold inside my heart and mind. No thing comes into my environment without it tells something about my self. I spend much time in the company of my things and these have a calming effect on me.

My existence is holy blessed of God. I am a creation in His image. There is grace and goodness embodied in me. The Lord created me to carry out His plans on earth. I am like His hands in my interaction with others. My smile expresses His benevolence.

The love that surrounds me and pours through me into the world is holy. The special relationships I share with others are blessed. The Lord is with me always.

Jo Ann

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