Friday, February 01, 2013

Creativity Project Year Two-Day 24

Journal entry:

Journal 2-1-20130001



His great love letters
Chase me through every single
Day of my living,
He writes His sentences on
The fabric of my moments.

Some say they cannot
See my Lord, but His presence
Is apparent to
Me in the noise and silence,
The darkness and brightest light.

I am surrounded
By His vigilance even
When I run away
From His radiant face, no
Place can hide me from His voice.

He seeks me always
Despite my numerous sins,
Jesus does love me
With everlasting passion
Greater than any other.

His love songs follow
Me wherever I wander
I cannot avoid
The words He wishes me to
Listen to and comprehend.

Jo Ann J. A. Jordan
Friday, February 1, 2013


I am grateful:

1.   My alarm woke me at 8:00 this morning and I started my day.
2.   I paid my insurance this morning after holding on the phone for twenty minutes.
3.   I remembered to go to Wells Fargo and withdraw money to give to Mom.
4.   Wal-Mart had my sodas.
5.   $5.00 Footlongs at Subway.


I had an extremely busy Friday. I hope you accomplished all you desired today. Now as the day fades away I encourage you to commit yourself to doing some creative work. It does not have to be great, it does not have to be even good, just get busy and do the work. You can polish and perfect it later.

As a prompt, reflect on how mistakes and bad choices have influenced your life. You might weave a poem, embroider a story, dictate a journal entry, or jot down a note for use in the future. I know this is a fertile subject. If you use this prompt, please leave a link to your work in the comments below.

I appreciate your taking time to read my blog. Should you have thoughts, suggestions, or critique to share, please leave a comment. It is easy to follow Chronicles, just enter your email address above. By the way, I never see your email address, this is an automated process handled by WordPress.

Jo Ann

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