Wednesday, December 05, 2012

365 Creativity Project-Day 331

Journal entry:

Journal 12-5-20120001


A design that is
Intelligent flows throughout
All of creation,
Beauty that transcends limits
Of imagination exists.

No random chance could
Have brought about such wondrous
Formations and life
Forms as are present in our
Widely diverse universe.

The great Creator
Turned His able hands to work
Making wonderful
Creatures and living things to
Delight himself and humans.

Still the Lord does not
Require anyone believe
In His omniscience
He simply leaves evidence
For each of us to discern.

Jo Ann J. A. Jordan
Wednesday, December 5, 2012





I am grateful:

1.   I got a card from my friend, Ray.
2.   Alex came to visit today.
3.   Alex paid for the case and screen protector for my Droid.
4.   Alex’s old computer came on.
5.   I have written over 240 poems this year.

I had a great Wednesday, although I am still coughing quite a lot. I hope your day was rewarding. Make it better by using your creativity to make something fabulous to share with the world. I know you have the talent and ability to accomplish whatever you set your mind to doing.

As a prompt, write about some sort of design. You might have a different perspective to my own and might want to write in argument against my poem, or you might want to write about something else entirely. Just write. If you use this prompt, please leave a link to your work in the comments below.

If you are a regular reader I hope you know how much I appreciate your loyalty. If you are new, I hope you enjoyed your visit. I recommend you subscribe to Chronicles if you would like daily updates. Your comments help me improve, so please leave one.

Jo Ann

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