Wednesday, December 26, 2012

365 Creativity Project-Day 352

Journal entry:

Journal 12-26-20120001

Happiness Bestowed

Presents appear
To brighten up the end
Of the year and lift the spirits
Up beyond where they have been in despair
Gifts are given with cheerful hearts
Transferring gladness to

Jo Ann J. A. Jordan
Wednesday, December 26, 2012



The Rolling Stones 50…


My HTC EVO Design and case…


My new Cross pen…

I am grateful:

1.   I slept late today and got some extra rest.
2.   Things were on sale at PetSmart.
3.   I was able to get the things I wanted at Michael’s.
4.   I managed to buy the pen I wanted.
5.   Alex apologized to me last night.

I hope your Wednesday was good. I enjoyed my day and felt less depressed than I have for several days. Now I recommend you exercise your creativity. I know you can use your imagination to make something wonderful.

As a prompt, write about gifts. These could be things, qualities, talents, whatever appeals to you. Just write a poem, story, or journal entry about gifts. If you use this prompt, please leave a link to your work in the comments below.

Thank you for spending your time visiting my blog. I appreciate your input, so please leave a comment. If you enjoyed your time here, perhaps you would like to subscribe to Chronicles.

Jo Ann

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