Friday, December 14, 2012

365 Creativity Project-Day 339

Journal entry:

Journal 12-13-20120001

Article Of Faith

Blessings come with trials,
Life is full of openings
Which always let me
Know God is looking after
Me along each path I take.

No shortage of times,
Opportunities to see
His grace in action,
He oversees everything
Happening in my whole life.

I am well cared for
At each singular moment,
Never does God leave
Me without full protection,
Jesus is my safe shelter.

The Lord sends people
To help me upon the path
He lays before me,
I am never abandoned
But am aided on my way.

I shall give God praise
For He is the Rock my life
Has Foundation on,
I am His and He is mine
Forever and ever, Amen.

Jo Ann J. A. Jordan
Thursday, December 13, 2012


Butterfly Dreams

This is the picture that won honorable mention in the “Hit Me With Your Best Shot” contest tonight.



I am grateful:

1.   I woke up fairly early today.
2.   The pies turned out well.
3.   I remembered everything I was supposed to carry tonight.
4.   I made it to the Sweetwater Camera Club meeting although I had problems with the truck.
5.   My pie was completely eaten up.
6.   I had enough money to pay my membership dues for the next year.
7.   I won honorable mention among everyone’s best photographs of the year.
8.   I was given a complimentary ticket to the Nikon School in Atlanta in January.
9.   Hoke, the new president of Sweetwater Camera Club, followed me home to make sure I made it safely.
10. Richard and Norma have encouraged me to broaden my horizons by becoming publicity chairman for SCC.
11. God is so very good to me.

I hope your Thursday was full of blessings, as you have read mine was a mixed blessing. Now I urge you to do some creative work. I am sure there is something in your day worth sharing with the world. So do it.

As a prompt, write about something unexpected which happened to you lately. It could be good or bad, or a little of both. Just get the words down. If you use this prompt, please leave a link to your work in the comments below.

Thank you for visiting my blog. Your comments are welcome. If you enjoyed your time here, please consider following Chronicles.

Jo Ann

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