Sunday, December 30, 2012

365 Creativity Project-Day 356

Journal entry:

Journal 12-30-20120001

Fortuitous Risk

Do what you can
For whoever you can,
And pray the Lord’s blessing
Upon every action you take.

Know God is with you
In each moment you live,
Share your happiness
With others you touch.

Be willing to be used
In whatever capacity
The Lord may choose
And He will give you a chance.

Opportunity may come
When it is least expected,
So be prepared to act
According to God’s leading.

Jo Ann J. A. Jordan
Sunday, December 30, 2012





I am grateful:

1.   God is so gracious to me.
2.   Mom is supportive when I want to do something a bit unusual.
3.   Reba called me today.
4.   I called Bernice.
5.   Things fit in the envelope, though I did not think they would.

I have had a pleasant Sunday, and hope you did as well. I encourage you to put your imagination to work and do something creative. You have special gifts and talents only you can share with the world. The world needs your contribution.

As a prompt, use the words: money, opportunities, limited, realized, special, plan, agreed, idea, prepare, decided, in a poem, story, or journal entry. If only a one or a few of the words appeal to you that is fine too. Just use what sparks your imagination. Should you use this prompt, please leave a link to your work in the comments below.

I appreciate your visit to my blog. I hope you found your time here enjoyable. Perhaps you would like to subscribe to Chronicles so you receive daily updates. I know you may have thoughts, suggestions, or criticism to share, so please leave a comment.

Jo Ann

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